

1. Install Bower

bower install

2. Install Node Dependencies

npm install

3. Install Composer Dependencies

composer install // if others needed, check and manually move into folder in wp-content

4. Copy Across WordPress Files

Locate the folder in finder, copy the files and paste them at the root of the project

5. Set MAMP to the correct folder

Create the Database in Sequel Pro

6. Create Database

Create the Database in Sequel Pro

7. Open the Localhost and begin the WP set up

! Ensure that the database is created in Sequel Pro

Set the database field to the database name Set username and password to what is set for MAMP Run the Install

8. Open the Localhost and begin the WP set up

9. Ensure that any other files/plugins required in the correct folder (in reference to 3)

10. gulp watch - ensure that the gulpfile.js is all sweet!

11. Ensure the correct plugins are active

12. Active the appropriate theme

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acf-json files

  • used to create the custom fields in WP admin!


CPT-UI (custom post types)

CPT UI controls the post types themselves. Can be used to import the data.

  • this will create the acf-json files

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!ISSUE - check the correct plugins are installed.


Check the wp_options under the Content tab Alter the template and stylesheet to work with an earlier version


!ISSUE - admin password/database not showing


Ensure the database has been set up Ensure gulp watch has compiled the file Ensure that the wp_config file is correctly set up for the wordpress admin stuff