
Developer's Guide to TypeScript


For types, we have all our basic types and we can also have custom types.

There are two types, primitive and object - the object types itself can be what we define.

Why do we care? The compiler uses it to search for errors and it allows other engineers to understand what type of data is flowing around.

interface Todo { id: number; completed: boolean; }; const todo = obj.data as Todo;

Declaring types examples

// array let colors: string[] = ['a', 'b', 'c']; // class class Car {} let car: Car = new Car(); // object literal let point: { x: number, y: number } = { x: 10, y: 20 }; // functions const logNumber: (i: number) => void = (i: number) => { console.log(i); };

The object literal gets a bit nasty, but we have ways around this using types and interfaces.

The 'any' type

const json = '{"x":10, "y": 20}'; const coordinates = JSON.parse(json); // by default gets any time // this is the better const coor: { x: number, y: number } = JSON.parse(json);

The 'void' and 'never' return types

// Returns nothing const logger = (message: string): void => console.log(message); // Never returns const throwError = (message: string): never => throw new Error(message);


interface Vehicle { name: string; year: number; broken: boolean; } const oldCivic = { name: 'civic', year: 2000, broken: true }; const printVehicle = (vehicle: Vehicle): void => {};

Abstract Classes

Good for classes that we only want to use to extend. Think expectation vs reality.

Abstract classes:

  1. Cannot create objects directly
  2. Only used as a parent class
  3. Can contain real implementations of some methods
  4. Can refer to methods that don't exist yet

abstract class Examlpe { // promises we will create this func later abstract requireFunc(argA: number): void; swap = (a:number) => requireFunc(a); }

Abstract classes vs Interfaces

  • Interfaces promot loose coupling, Abstract/Inheritance is for strong coupling
  • Interfaces for very different objects we want to work together, Abstract/Inheritance for when we want to build up a definition of an object


enum Result { Win = 'W', Loss = 'L', Draw = 'D' }


  • Like function args, but for types in class/function definitions
  • Allow us to define the type of a property/argument/return value at a future point
  • Used heavily when writing useable code

class HoldAnything<TypeOfData> { data: TypeOfData; } const holdNumber = new HolderAnything<number>(); const holdString = new HolderAnything<string>(); interface Coordinates { x: number; y: number; } const holdCoordinates = new HolderAnything<Coordinates>(); // TypeOfData can actually be called anything // Convention is normally T, but then we go alphabetical order if we need multiple generics class holdMultipleAnything<T,U,V> { firstThing: T; secondThing: U; thirdThing: V; } const holdAllTheThings = new holdMultipleAnything<string, number, Coordinates>();

Constraints with Generics

  • Cannot call base methods on generics since there is no guarantee without a interface

class Car { print() { console.log('Car'); } } class House { print() { console.log('House'); } } interface Printable { print(): void; } function printWhatever<T extends Printable>(el: T) { el.print(); } printWhatever(new Car()); printWhatever(new House());

// what you have to do without method overloading class Utility { static function addNumbers(a:number, b: number): number { return a + b; } static function addStrings(a:string, b: string): string { return a + " " + b; } } Utility.addNumbers(1,2) // return 2 Utility.addStrings('Hello','World') // return "Hello World" // method overloading in other languages class Utility { static function add(a:number, b: number): number { return a + b; } static function add(a:string, b: string): string { return a + " " + b; } } Utility.add(1,2) // return 2 Utility.add('Hello','World') // return "Hello World" // method overloading in other typescript class Utility { static function add(a:number, b: number): number; static function add(a:string, b: string): string; static function add(a, b) { return a + b; } } Utility.add(1,2) // return 2 Utility.add('Hello','World') // return "HelloWorld"



