const { isLoading, isSuccess, error, isError, data: username } = useQuery("user", fetchUser,{ select: (user) => user.username });
Now you can use multiple querying in an array:
const results = useQueries([ { queryKey: ['user', 1], queryFn: fetchUser }, { queryKey: ['user', 2], queryFn: fetchUser }, { queryKey: ['user', 3], queryFn: fetchUser }, { queryKey: ['user', 4], queryFn: fetchUser }, ])
const mutation = useMutation(addUser, {retry: 3});
This is great for when things are offline.
See here for more information.
const queryClient = new QueryClient() // Define the "addTodo" mutation queryClient.setMutationDefaults('addTodo', { mutationFn: addTodo, onMutate: async (variables) => { // Cancel current queries for the todos list await queryClient.cancelQueries('todos') // Create optimistic todo const optimisticTodo = { id: uuid(), title: variables.title } // Add optimistic todo to todos list queryClient.setQueryData('todos', old => [...old, optimisticTodo]) // Return context with the optimistic todo return { optimisticTodo } }, onSuccess: (result, variables, context) => { // Replace optimistic todo in the todos list with the result queryClient.setQueryData('todos', old => => === ? result : todo)) }, onError: (error, variables, context) => { // Remove optimistic todo from the todos list queryClient.setQueryData('todos', old => old.filter(todo => !== }, retry: 3, }) // Start mutation in some component: const mutation = useMutation('addTodo') mutation.mutate({ title: 'title' }) // If the mutation has been paused because the device is for example offline, // Then the paused mutation can be dehydrated when the application quits: const state = dehydrate(queryClient) // The mutation can then be hydrated again when the application is started: hydrate(queryClient, state) // Resume the paused mutations: queryClient.resumePausedMutations()