
Getting Started With Lerna


  1. Github Tutorial
  2. Moving from multiple repos to Lerna
  3. DEV.to article on TS + Lerna
  4. Lerna with TSC compiler
  5. Lerna is the perfect match for Yarn
  6. Lerna + Yarn Workspaces


mkdir hello-lerna cd hello-lerna yarn init -y # init lerna with cli tool npx lerna init # make a packages directory with each of your packages mkdir packages # make a few packages for the example mkdir packages/package-one mkdir packages/package-two mkdir packages/package-three # yarn init all packages and generate a basic file for each cd packages/package-one && yarn init -y && touch index.js cat > index.js << EOT module.exports = { value: 1 } EOT cd ../package-two && yarn init -y && touch index.js cat > index.js << EOT module.exports = { value: 2 } EOT cd ../package-three && yarn init -y && touch index.js cat > index.js << EOT var one = require('package-one') var two = require('package-two') console.log(one + two) EOT # head back to the root of the project cd ../..

Now we update packages/package-three/package.json to include our other two dependencies:

{ "dependencies": { "package-one": "0.1.0", "package-two": "0.1.0" } }

If we now run lerna bootstrap we can link up all the packages.

If we now run node ./packages/pacakge-three/index.js we should see 3 in the console!

What is it?

From resource (1):

Lerna is a tool that allows you to maintain multiple npm packages within one repository.

There's a couple of benefits to this kind of approach, the paradigm is called a monorepo, and more can be read about it from the source of babel, and react.

Here's the gist:

  • Single lint, build, test and release process.
  • Easy to coordinate changes across modules.
  • Single place to report issues.
  • Easier to setup a development environment.
  • Tests across modules are ran together which finds bugs that touch multiple modules easier.



