
Intro to Hygen

Hygen is a really great template engine that allows us to harness the power of multiple JS libraries and use them to make our lives easier.


First, ensure that you install Hygen.

npm i -g hygen

Hygen then uses the _templates folder on direction for what to create.

The _templates folder may have a structure like so:

_templates └── react ├── component │   ├── mocha.ejs.t │   ├── prompt.js │   ├── puppeteer.ejs.t │   ├── readme.ejs.t │   ├── story.ejs.t │   ├── styles.ejs.t │   └── view.ejs.t ├── component-promptless │   ├── mocha.ejs.t │   ├── puppeteer.ejs.t │   ├── readme.ejs.t │   ├── story.ejs.t │   ├── styles.ejs.t │   └── view.ejs.t ├── multi-component │   ├── container.ejs.t │   ├── default.ejs.t │   ├── docs.ejs.t │   ├── mocha.ejs.t │   ├── prompt.js │   ├── puppeteer.ejs.t │   ├── readme.ejs.t │   ├── typeOne.ejs.t │   ├── typeTwo.ejs.t │   └── view.ejs.t ├── reducer │   ├── prompt.js │   └── reducer.ejs.t └── redux-component ├── container.ejs.t ├── mocha.ejs.t ├── prompt.js ├── puppeteer.ejs.t ├── readme.ejs.t ├── story.ejs.t └── view.ejs.t

How this works in practise is that you can invoke the following calls and Hygen will generate those files according to the rules:

# Examples # Generate the files from react > components hygen react component # Generate the files from react > reducer hygen react reducer

Hygen can work using a prompt or without one. I recommend going with, and using prompt.js to set the questions.

For an example from start to finish, I will demonstate using hygen react component.

> hygen react component

Running the command will first look for a prompt.js file.

module.exports = [ { type: 'input', name: 'name', message: "What's the name?" }, { type: 'input', name: 'message', message: "What's the message?" } ];

Hygen uses Inquirer (which in turn uses RxJS) to create prompts. In this example, answering name and message will in turn create variables that are used thorugh the [file].ejs.t files.

Hygen will then go through the rest of the files and export them to where is defined at the top of the [file].ejs.t file. For example, mocha.ejs.t will have:

--- to: src/components/<%= name %>/<%= name %>.mocha.js ---

If we enter name PageTestNewFiles, it will output file src/components/PageTestNewFiles/PageTestNewFiles.mocha.js. This will continue for all the files, and so in src/components/PageTestNewFiles we will end up with the following:

PageTestNewFiles ├── PageTestNewFiles.mocha.js ├── PageTestNewFiles.puppeteer.js ├── PageTestNewFiles.storybook.js ├── README.md ├── index.js └── styles.scss

Where <%= name %> and <%= message %> is found throughout those files will be in turn replaced with the entered values.

If there are any issues with the Hygen generated files, go to the template file and change the templates to resolve any issues.



