

A behavioural pattern that is used to access the elements of a collection object in sequential manner without a required understanding of the underlying representation.


  • ConcreteIterator: An interface to define how the next and hasNext methods work.
  • ConcreteCollection: A collection that has knowledge of the iterator and creates the iterator.


In this basic example below, we will create a ConcreteCollection and ConcreteIterator class to demonstrate how the Iterator design pattern works.

Note that after create a collection, we can use the createIterator method as many times as we want to return seperate instances of an iterator - for demonstration purposes, we will create a second iterator to do just that.

The last part of "main" will demo what happens when you intertwine iterator calls.

Check the logs for results.

interface Iterator<T> { next(): T; hasNext(): boolean; } interface Collection { createIterator(): Iterator<Number>; } class ConcreteIterator implements Iterator<Number> { private _collection: Number[]; private _index: number = 0; constructor(newCollection: Number[]) { this._collection = newCollection; } next(): any { const result = this._collection[this._index]; this.log(); this._index += 1; return result; } hasNext(): boolean { return this._index < this._collection.length; } private log(): void { console.log(`Method called during index: ${this._collection[this._index]}`); } } class ConcreteCollection implements Collection { private _collection: Number[] = []; constructor(collection: Number[]) { this._collection = collection; } createIterator(): Iterator<Number> { return new ConcreteIterator(this._collection); } } (function main() { const collection: ConcreteCollection = new ConcreteCollection([0, 1, 2, 3]); const iterator: Iterator<Number> = collection.createIterator(); const secondIterator: Iterator<Number> = collection.createIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { const number: Number = iterator.next(); console.log(`Logging: ${number.valueOf()}`); } while (secondIterator.hasNext()) { const number: Number = secondIterator.next(); console.log(`Second Iterator Logging: ${number.valueOf()}`); } // third and fourth iterators intertwined const thirdIterator: Iterator<Number> = collection.createIterator(); const fourthIterator: Iterator<Number> = collection.createIterator(); console.log('thirdIterator', thirdIterator.next()); console.log('thirdIterator', thirdIterator.next()); console.log('thirdIterator', thirdIterator.next()); console.log('fourIterator', fourthIterator.next()); console.log('fourIterator', fourthIterator.next()); console.log('fourIterator', fourthIterator.next()); console.log('fourIterator', fourthIterator.next()); console.log('thirdIterator', thirdIterator.next()); })();




