
Prefetching Course

Basic Query Prefetching

We can prefetch queries by using the queryCache method prefetchQuery.

import React from 'react' import { useQuery, queryCache } from 'react-query' import axios from 'axios' export default function App() { const [show, toggle] = React.useReducer(d => !d, false) React.useEffect(() => { queryCache.prefetchQuery('posts', fetchPosts) }, []) return ( <div> <button onClick={toggle}>Show Posts</button> {show ? <Posts /> : null} </div> ) } async function fetchPosts() { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) return axios .get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts') .then(res => res.data.slice(0, 10)) } function Posts({ setPostId }) { const postsQuery = useQuery('posts', fetchPosts) return ( <div> <h1>Posts {postsQuery.isFetching ? '...' : null}</h1> <div> {postsQuery.isLoading ? ( 'Loading posts...' ) : ( <ul> {postsQuery.data.map(post => { return ( <li key={post.id}> <a onClick={() => setPostId(post.id)} href="#"> {post.title} </a> </li> ) })} </ul> )} </div> </div> ) }

Hover-based Prefetching

We can use the onMouseHover function to apply this.

import React from 'react' import { useQuery, queryCache } from 'react-query' import { ReactQueryDevtools } from 'react-query-devtools' import axios from 'axios' function Posts({ setPostId }) { const postsQuery = useQuery('posts', async () => { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) return axios .get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts') .then(res => res.data.slice(0, 10)) }) return ( <div> <h1>Posts {postsQuery.isFetching ? '...' : null}</h1> <div> {postsQuery.isLoading ? ( 'Loading posts...' ) : ( <ul> {postsQuery.data.map(post => { return ( <li key={post.id} onMouseEnter={() => { queryCache.prefetchQuery(['post', post.id], () => fetchPost(post.id) ) }} > <a onClick={() => setPostId(post.id)} href="#"> {post.title} </a> </li> ) })} </ul> )} </div> </div> ) }

Prefetching and Stale Time

Each list item resolves, becomes stale and then continually fetches. There is a lot of bandwidth that we do not technically need. We can set the prefetch option of staleTime.

import React from 'react' import { useQuery, queryCache } from 'react-query' import { ReactQueryDevtools } from 'react-query-devtools' import axios from 'axios' function Posts({ setPostId }) { const postsQuery = useQuery('posts', async () => { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) return axios .get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts') .then(res => res.data.slice(0, 10)) }) return ( <div> <h1>Posts {postsQuery.isFetching ? '...' : null}</h1> <div> {postsQuery.isLoading ? ( 'Loading posts...' ) : ( <ul> {postsQuery.data.map(post => { return ( <li key={post.id} onMouseEnter={() => { queryCache.prefetchQuery( ['post', post.id], () => fetchPost(post.id), { staleTime: Infinity, } ) }} > <a onClick={() => setPostId(post.id)} href="#"> {post.title} </a> </li> ) })} </ul> )} </div> </div> ) }

Forced Prefetching

We can force the prefetching to happen to with a force call. This can help you bypass a query regardess of whether or not it is stale.****

import React from 'react' import { useQuery, queryCache } from 'react-query' import { ReactQueryDevtools } from 'react-query-devtools' import axios from 'axios' function Posts({ setPostId }) { const postsQuery = useQuery('posts', async () => { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) return axios .get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts') .then(res => res.data.slice(0, 10)) }) return ( <div> <h1>Posts {postsQuery.isFetching ? '...' : null}</h1> <div> {postsQuery.isLoading ? ( 'Loading posts...' ) : ( <ul> {postsQuery.data.map(post => { return ( <li key={post.id} onMouseEnter={() => { queryCache.prefetchQuery( ['post', post.id], () => fetchPost(post.id), null, { force: true, } ) }} > <a onClick={() => setPostId(post.id)} href="#"> {post.title} </a> </li> ) })} </ul> )} </div> </div> ) }



