
Productivity Engineering

Below is some code that attempts to emulate what happens with Webpack.

class HelloWorldPlugin { constructor() { this.name = 'HelloWorldPlugin'; } apply(taskRunner) { taskRunner.hooks.beforeRun.tapSync(() => { console.log('Running things before everything else'); }); taskRunner.hooks.done.tapSync(( stats /* stats is passed as an argument when done hook is tapped. */, ) => { console.log('DONE! Hello World!'); }); } } class GoodbyeWorldPlugin { constructor(context) { this.name = 'GoodbyeWorldPlugin'; this.context = context; } apply(taskRunner) { taskRunner.hooks.beforeRun.tapSync(() => { if (this.context) { console.log(this.context); } }); } } class SyncHook { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } tapSync = fn => { this.tapSync = fn; }; compile() { try { this.tapSync(); } catch (err) { // do nothing } } } const hook = hookName => (pluginName, callback) => { console.log(`[${pluginName}] ${hookName}`); callback(); }; class TaskRunner { constructor(context) { this.hooks = Object.freeze({ done: new SyncHook('done'), beforeRun: new SyncHook('beforeRun'), }); this.context = context; } run() { this.hooks.beforeRun.compile(); this.hooks.done.compile(); } } // emulated module.exports from `webpack.config.js` const config = { plugins: [ new HelloWorldPlugin(), new GoodbyeWorldPlugin({ options: true, }), ], }; // emulated lib code assuming it imports from `webpack.config.js` for (const plugin of config.plugins) { const task = new TaskRunner(); plugin.apply(task); task.run(); }



