
User Microposts

A Micropost Model

The basic model looks like so:

micropostsdata type

To create this with a reference to user:

rails g model Micropost content:text user:references

This will create the following model:

# app/models/micropost.rb class Micropost < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user end

This will also create a migration:

# db/migrate/[timestamp]_create_microposts.rb class CreateMicroposts < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change create_table :microposts do |t| t.text :content t.references :user, null: false, foreign_key: true t.timestamps end # added by us physically add_index :microposts, [:user_id, :created_at] end end

By including both the user_id and created_at columns as an array, we arrange for Rails to create a multiple key index, which means that Active Record uses both keys at the same time.

User/Micropost associations

Note that because the user can create the microposts, the tests file can be updated to ensure the setup is created idiomatically:

# This code is not idiomatically correct. @micropost = Micropost.new(content: "Lorem ipsum", user_id: @user.id) # Correcting that code @user = users(:michael) # returns a new post associated with the user @micropost = @user.microposts.build(content: "Lorem ipsum")

micropost.userReturns the User object associated with the micropost
user.micropostsReturns a collection of the user’s microposts
user.microposts.create(arg)Creates a micropost associated with user
user.microposts.create!(arg)Creates a micropost associated with user (exception on failure)
user.microposts.build(arg)Returns a new Micropost object associated with user
user.microposts.find_by(id: 1)Finds the micropost with id 1 and user_id equal to user.id

At this stage, our Micropost and User model looks like so:

class Micropost < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user validates :user_id, presence: true validates :content, presence: true, length: { maximum: 140 } end class User < ApplicationRecord has_many :microposts . . . end

Micropost Refinements

By default, the user.microposts method makes no guarantees about the order of the posts, but (following the convention of blogs and Twitter) we want the microposts to come out in reverse order of when they were created so that the most recent post is first. We’ll arrange for this to happen using a default scope.

To ensure testing is correct, we can use :most_recent in our assertion:

require 'test_helper' class MicropostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase . . . test "order should be most recent first" do assert_equal microposts(:most_recent), Micropost.first end end


To have fixtures set for the testing, we can set test/fixtures/users.yml and test/fixtures/microposts.yml respectively:

name: Michael Example email: michael@example.com . . .

And for the Microposts:

orange: content: "I just ate an orange!" created_at: <%= 10.minutes.ago %> user: michael tau_manifesto: content: "Check out the @tauday site by @mhartl: https://tauday.com" created_at: <%= 3.years.ago %> user: michael cat_video: content: "Sad cats are sad: https://youtu.be/PKffm2uI4dk" created_at: <%= 2.hours.ago %> user: michael most_recent: content: "Writing a short test" created_at: <%= Time.zone.now %> user: michael

Setting created_at DESC

We can update the model to set the order in the default scope:

class Micropost < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user # user stabby lambda default_scope -> { order(created_at: :desc) } validates :user_id, presence: true validates :content, presence: true, length: { maximum: 140 } end

Cascade delete microposts if user is deleted

We can also add a refinement to users to tell the User to cascade delete associated Microposts on the removal of a User:

class User < ApplicationRecord has_many :microposts, dependent: :destroy . . . end

We can add a test like so:

require 'test_helper' class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @user = User.new(name: "Example User", email: "user@example.com", password: "foobar", password_confirmation: "foobar") end . . . test "associated microposts should be destroyed" do @user.save @user.microposts.create!(content: "Lorem ipsum") assert_difference 'Micropost.count', -1 do @user.destroy end end end



