
5: The Meat of Rust


struct RedFox { enemy: bool, life: u8, }

To instantiate:

let fox = RedFox { enemy: true, life: 5, };

You need to specify all the fields, which can be verbose.

You can specify an association function to provide default values:

impl RedFox { // Note: instead of `Self`, we could use the name of the struct `RedFox` // but recommended this way. fn new() -> Self { Self { enemy: true, life: 5, } } } let fox = RedFox::new();

The implementation block is separate from the struct declaration.

Associated functions are used like constructors in other languages.

Methods are also defined within the implementation block:

impl RedFox { // associated function fn function() ... // methods fn move(self) ... fn borrow(&self) ... fn mut_borrow(&mut self) ... }

You can implement a "get" or "set" method like the following example:

// This stub file contains items which aren't used yet; feel free to remove this module attribute // to enable stricter warnings. #![allow(unused)] pub struct User { name: String, age: u32, weight: f32, } impl User { pub fn new(name: String, age: u32, weight: f32) -> Self { Self { name: name, age: age, weight: weight, } } pub fn name(&self) -> &str { &self.name } pub fn age(&self) -> u32 { self.age } pub fn weight(&self) -> f32 { self.weight } pub fn set_age(&mut self, new_age: u32) { self.age = new_age; } pub fn set_weight(&mut self, new_weight: f32) { self.weight = new_weight; } }

Note at this point: there is no struct inheritance in Rust.

So why doesn't struct use inheritance? Because we have traits.


Similar to interfaces in other languages. Rust goes with the composition over inheritance approach.

trait Noisy { fn get_noise(&self) -> &str; }

The example above is a trait. Any struct that implements the trait must have the function get_noise implemented following the implementation signature.

struct RedFox { enemy: bool, life: u32, } trait Noisy { fn get_noise(&self) -> &str; } impl Noisy for RedFox { fn get_noise(&self) -> &str { "Meow?" } }

Why does this as opposed to implementing it directly? Well now we can start to use generics that accept structs that implement a trait.

fn print_noise<T: Noisy>(item: T) { println!("{}", item.get_noise()); }

There is a special trait called Copy where if implemented, then the type is copied and not moved.

You can also implement multiple traits. Traits themselves implement inheritance.

Traits can also implement default behaviors:

// Without default behaviour trait Noisy { fn get_noise(&self) -> &str; } // With default behaviour trait Noisy { fn get_noise(&self) { println!("Meow?"); } } struct Robot {} impl Noisy for Robot {} fn main() { let robot = Robot {}; print_noise(robot); // Prints "Meow?" }

One gotcha: you cannot defined fields as part of a trait. The workaround is writing getter/setter methods.


The following are collections that all all come from the library.


Vectors Vec<T> are a collection that only hold one type are useful where you would use list or arrays in other languages.

let mut v: Vec<i32> = Vec::new(); v.push(2); v.push(4); v.push(6);

Vectors act like a stack. push and pop operate like you would expect for a stack.

The is a macro vec! that make vector literals more ergonomic.


HashMap HashMap<K, V> is a generic collection that holds a key and a value.

In other languages, this might be called a dictionary.

let mut h: HashMap<u8, bool> = HashMap::new(); h.insert(5, true); h.insert(6, false); // `remove` returns an Option<V> enum. let have_five = h.remove(&5).unwrap();

There are also methods for getting reference to values or iterating through.

Some other important types:

VecDequeA double-ended queue.
LinkedListWhat you expect
HashSetHashing implementation of a set.
BinaryHeapA priority queue that always pops off the max value.
BTreeMapBTree implementation of a Map.
BTreeSetBTree implementation of a Set.


Enums in Rust are more like Algebraic Data Types in Haskell.

enum Color { Red, Green, Blue } let color = Color::Red;

The real power of an enum come from associating data and methods with the variants.

enum DispenserItem { Empty, Ammo(u8), // single type of data Things(String, i32), // a tuple of data Place { x: i32, y: i32 }, // an anonymous struct of data } use DispenserItem::*; // all the following are valid but could only be one at a time. let item = Empty; let item2 = Ammo(69); let item3 = Things("hat".to_string(), 7); let item4 = Place { x: 2, y: 3 };

You can even implement functions and methods for an enum:

impl DispenserItem { fn display(&self) { } }

You can also use enums with generics.

enum Option<T> { Some(T), None, }

Because enums can represent all sorts of data, you need to use patterns to access them:

if let Some(x) = my_variable { println!("value is {}", x); }

If you need multiple handlers, you can use the match keyword:

match my_variable { Some(x) => { println!("value is {}", x); }, None => { println!("no value"); }, }

Match expression require you to write a branch for each variant. They are exhaustive. All branch arms must also return nothing or the same type.

Option & Result

These are special enums used all over the standard library.

let mut x: Option<i32> = None; x = Some(5); x.is_some(); // true x.is_none(); // false for i in x { println!("{}", i); // prints 5 }

Option is part of the standard pre-load and does not need to be imported.

Result is used whenever something might have a useful result or an error.

#[must_use] enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E), }

Let's see it in action:

use std::fs::File; fn main() { let res = File::open("foo"); let f = res.unwrap(); // Gives file struct or crashing program } // another option fn main() { let res = File::open("foo"); let f = res.expect("Err message"); // Same as unwrap but also printing in crash output } // for safety fn main() { let res = File::open("foo"); if res.is_ok() { let f = res.unwrap(); // will not crash } } // can also match on a result fn main() { let res = File::open("foo"); match res { Ok(f) => { // do something with f }, Err(e) => { // handle error }, } }



