

Capture and externalise an object's internal state allowing the object to be restored to this state later (without violating encapsulation).


  • Memento (stores internal state of Originator object - may store as much or little as possible)
  • Originator (creates memento containing snapshot of current state)
  • Caretaker (responsible for memento's safekeeping)


class State { private _value: String; constructor(value) { this._value = value; } public set value(newValue: String) { this._value = newValue; } public get value() { return this._value; } } interface StateInterface { state: State; } class Memento implements StateInterface { private _state: State; constructor(state: State) { this._state = state; } public set state(newState: State) { this._state = newState; } public get state() { return this._state; } } class Originator implements StateInterface { private _state: State; constructor(state: State) { console.log(`"${state.value}"`); this._state = state; } public set state(state: State) { console.log(state.value); this._state = state; } public get state() { return this._state; } public createMemento() { console.log(`create "${this._state.value}" memento`); return new Memento(this._state); } public restoreMemento(memento: Memento) { console.log(`restore "${memento.state.value}"`); this._state = memento.state; } } class CareTaker { private _memento: Memento; public set memento(memento: Memento) { // memento saved this._memento = memento; } public get memento() { return this._memento; } } (function main() { // Save check point const oldState = new State('check point'); const originator = new Originator(oldState); const careTaker = new CareTaker(); careTaker.memento = originator.createMemento(); // Player dies const currentState = new State('die'); originator.state = currentState; // Player reset to check point originator.restoreMemento(careTaker.memento); // Player gain medel const medalState = new State('get medal'); originator.state = medalState; // Save careTaker.memento = originator.createMemento(); })();



