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Treehouse PHP Classes

PHP OOP classes recipe.php cookbook.php

// recipe.php <?php class Recipe { private $title; public $ingredients = array(); public $instruction = array(); public $yield; public $tag = array(); public $source = 'Alena Holligan'; private $measurements = array( "tsp", "tbsp", "cup", "oz", "lb", "fl oz", "pint", "quart", "gallon" ); public function displayRecipe() { return $this->title . "by" . $this->source; } public function addIngredient($item, $amount = null, $measure=null) { if ($amount != null && !is_float($amount) && !is_int($amount)) { exit("The amount must be a float: ") . gettype($amount) . " $amount given"); } if ($measure != null && !in_array(strtolower($measure), $this->measurements)) { exit("Please enter a valid measurement: " . implode(", ", $this->measurements)); } $this->ingredients[] = array ( "item" => ucwords($item), "amount" => $amount, "measure" => strtolower($measure) ); } public function getIngredients() { return $this->ingredients; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = ucword($title); } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } } ?> // cookbook.php <?php include "classes/recipes.php"; $recipe1 = new Recipe(); echo $recipe1->source; $recipe1->source("Grandma Holligan"); echo $recipe1->source; $recipe1->setTitle("My first recipe"); $recipe1->getTitle(); $recipe1->addIngredient("egg",1); $recipe1->addIngredient("flour",2,"cup"); $recipe2 = new Recipe(); $recipe2->source = "Betty Crocker"; $recipe1->setTitle = "My second recipe"; echo $recipe1->source; echo $recipe2->source; echo $recipe1->displayRecipe(); echo $recipe2->displayRecipe(); foreach ($recipe1->getIngredients() as $ing) { echo "\n" . $ing["amount"] . " " . $ing["measure"] . " " . $ing["item"]; } var_dump($recipe1); ?>

PHP Access Modifiers

<?php class Render { public static function displayDimensions($size) { return $size[0] . " x " . $size[1]; } public static function detailsKitchen($room) { return "Kitchen Dimensions: " . self::displayDimensions($room->getDimensions()); } } ?>

PHP Magic Methods and Constants

Some magic constants:


<?php class Example { public function __construct($title = null) { $this->setTitle($title); } public function __toString() { $output = "You are calling a " . __CLASS__ . " object with the title \""; $output .= $this->getTitle() . "\""; $output .= "\nIt is stored in " . basename(__FILE__) . " at " . __DIR__ . "."; $output .= "\nThis display is from line " . __LINE__ . " in method " . __METHOD__; $output .= "\nThe following methods are available for objects of this class: \n"; $output .= implode("\n", get_class_methods(__CLASS__)); return $output; } } class Render { public function __toString() { $output = "The following methods are available for " . __CLASS__ . " objects: \n"; $output .= implode("\n", get_class_methods(__CLASS__)); return $output; } } $example = new Example("Name"); echo $example; ?> <?php class Fish { public $common_name; public $flavor; public $record_weight; public function __construct($name, $flavor, $record) { $this->common_name = $name; $this->flavor = $flavor; $this->record_weight = $record; } public function getInfo() { return "A {$this->common_name} is an {$this->flavor} flavored fish. The world record weight is {$this->record_weight}."; } } $bass = new Fish("Largemouth Bass", "Excellent", "22 pounds 5 ounces"); ?>

PHP Collections


<? class RecipeCollection { private $title; private $recipes = array(); // has constructor here and setter and getters public function addRecipe($recipe) { $this->recipes[] = $recipe; } public function getRecipe() { return $this->recipes; } } ?>

PHP Arrays

Create $myArray = array();

Push into $myArray[] = "­Som­eth­ing­";

Push to associ­ative $myArr­ay[­'key'] = "­Val­ue";

Create numeric $myArray = array(­'va­lue', 'value2');

Create associ­ative $a = array(­'ke­y'=­>'v­al');

Print from numeric echo $myArr­ay[0];

Print from associ­ative echo $myArr­ay[­'key'];

Associ­ative arrays Keys are strings

Numeric arrays Keys are numbers: 0,1,2,3,4

PHP Array Functions

array_diff (arr1, arr2 ...) array_filter (arr, function) array_flip (arr) array_intersect (arr1, arr2 ...) array_merge (arr1, arr2 ...) array_pop (arr) array_push (arr, var1, var2 ...) array_reverse (arr) array_keys(array $array [, mixed $search_value = null [, bool $strict = false ]] ) array_search (needle, arr) array_walk (arr, function) count (count) in_array (needle, haystack)


<?php // add code below this comment class Subdivision { public $houses = array(); public function filterHouseColor($color) { $return = array(); foreach ($this->houses as $house) { if ($house->roof_color == $color || $house->wall_color == $color) { $return[] = $house; } } return $return; } } ?> <? php public function getCombinedIngredients() { $ingredients = array(); foreach ($this->recipes as $recipe) { foreach($recipe->getIngredients() as $ing) { $item = $ing["item"]; if (strpos($item, ",")) { $item = strstr($item, ",", true); } if (in_array($item."s", $ingredients)) { $item.="s"; } else if (in_array(substr($item, 0, -1), $ingredients)) { $item = substr($item, 0, -1); } $ingredients[$item] = array ( $ing["amount"], $ing["measure"] ); } } return $ingredients; } ?>

PHP Control Flow Logic

if (condi­tion) { ... } elseif (condi­tion) { ... } else { ... }

FOR loop for (initi­alize; condition; update) { ... }

WHILE loop while (condi­tion) { ... }

FOREACH loop foreach ($array as $value) { ... }

DO WHILE do { ... ;} while (condi­tion)

SWITCH ($s) { case 1: ... break; case 2: ... break; default: ... }

PHP if/elseif statements within a web document

<?php $bool = false; ?> <?php if ($bool) : ?> <div> <p><?php echo "Bool is true"?></p> </div> <?php elseif (!$bool) : ?> <div> <p><?php echo "Elseif works"?></p> </div> <?php else : ?> <div> <p><?php echo "Bool is false"?></p> </div> <?php endif; ?>

PHP General Functions

isset() test for variable exists empty() test for empty variable mail($to, $subject, $msg, 'From: ' . $email) mail function mysqli­fe­tch­_ar­ray­($r­esult) fetch each row of a query (in $result) header() send a header from the server is_num­eric() test to see if a value is number exit() causes script to stop immedi­ately trim($­string) trims leading and trailing spaces mysqli­_re­al­esc­ape­_st­rin­g($­string) escapes special characters str_re­pla­ce('a', 'b', $string) replace a with b in a string explode(', ' , $string) make string into array implode(', " $string) make array into string substr ($string, start, len) grabs a substring preg_m­atc­h('­regex', $string) matches regular expres­sions preg_r­epl­ace­('r­egex', $replace, $string) replaces characters in a string by regex

PHP Regex Functions

ereg (pattern, str) split (pattern, str) ereg_replace (pattern, replace, str) preg_grep (pattern, arr) preg_match (pattern, str) preg_match_all (pattern, str, arr) preg_replace (pattern, replace, str) preg_split (pattern, str)

PHP String Functions

crypt (str, salt) explode (sep, str) implode (glue, arr) nl2br (str) sprintf (frmt, args) strip_tags (str, allowed_tags) str_replace (search, replace, str) strpos (str, needle) strrev (str) strstr (str, needle) strtolower (str) strtoupper (str) substr (string, start, len)

PHP File System Functions

clearstatcache () copy (source, dest) fclose (handle) fgets (handle, len) file (file) filemtime (file) filesize (file) file_exists (file) fopen (file, mode) fread (handle, len) fwrite (handle, str) readfile (file)clearstatcache () copy (source, dest) fclose (handle) fgets (handle, len) file (file) filemtime (file) filesize (file) file_exists (file) fopen (file, mode) fread (handle, len) fwrite (handle, str) readfile (file)

PHP Date/Time Functions

checkdate (month, day, year) date (format, timestamp) getdate (timestamp) mktime (hr, min, sec, month, day, yr) strftime (formatstring, timestamp) strtotime (str) time ()

PHP Date Formatting

Y 4 digit year (2008) y 2 digit year (08) F Long month (January) M Short month (Jan) m Month ⁴ (01 to 12) n Month (1 to 12) D Short day name (Mon) l Long day name (Monday) (lowercase L) d Day ⁴ (01 to 31) j Day (1 to 31)

h 12 Hour ⁴ (01 to 12) g 12 Hour (1 to 12) H 24 Hour ⁴ (00 to 23) G 24 Hour (0 to 23) i Minutes ⁴ (00 to 59) s Seconds ⁴ (00 to 59)

w Day of week ¹ (0 to 6) z Day of year (0 to 365) W Week of year ² (1 to 53) t Days in month (28 to 31)

a am or pm A AM or PM B Swatch Internet Time (000 to 999) S Ordinal Suffix (st, nd, rd, th)

T Timezone of machine (GMT) Z Timezone offset (seconds) O GMT offset (hours) (+0200) I Daylight saving (1 or 0) L Leap year (1 or 0)

U Seconds since Epoch ³ c ISO 8601 (PHP 5) (2008-­07-­31T­18:­30:­13+­01:00) r RFC 2822 (Thu, 31 Jul 2008 18:30:13 +0100)

Accessing deep arrays to find values

$locations = Timber::get_terms('locations'); $data = []; $exclusion = []; foreach($locations as $location) { $data[] = [ "location" => $location, "posts" => Locations::getPostsForLocation($location,$count,$exclusion) ]; // add posts with current ids to array to check against foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($value["posts"]) { $posts = $value["posts"]; foreach($posts as $key => $value) { if (in_array($value->id, $exclusion)) { unset($posts[$key]); } else { array_push($exclusion, $value->id); } } } } }



