
15: Serverless Architecture

Serverless Overview

We focus on the code and leave the management of the compute architecture to the cloud provider.

The benefits:

  • Ease of use.
  • Event-based - the resources are brought online in response to an event.
  • Billing modal: pay-as-you-go in the most pure form.

Exam tips: go serverless. Favour moving away from unmanaged architecture like EC2. It is almost always better to select an answer that uses Lambda or containers rather than a traditional operating system.

Computing with Lambda

Serverless compute that lets you run code without provisioning or managing the underlying servers. Like running code without computers.

Building a function:

  1. Runtime: you'll need tp pick from the available runtimes or bring your own.
  2. Permissions: if your Lambda function needs to make an AWS API call, you'll need to attach a role.
  3. Networking: You can (optionally) define the VPC, subnet, and security groups your functions are a part of.
  4. Resources: Defining the amount of available memory will allocate how much CPU and RAM your code gets.
  5. Trigger: Define a trigger to kick start the function.

Exam notes:

  • There is built-in logging and metrics with CloudWatch for Lambda funcs.
  • The is a 15-minute runtime limit for lambda.
  • Good to know common triggers.
  • Lambda excels in running small and lightweight functions.
  • Lambda plays a big role in the AWS ecosystem.
  • Lambda can run inside or outside a VPC.

Container Overview

Standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the app runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.

Some terminology:

  • Dockerfile: text document that contains all the instructions to build a container image.
  • Image: Immutable file that contains the code, libs, deps and config files needed to run an app.
  • Registry: Stores images for distribution. Can be private/public.
  • Container: Running copy of the image that has been created.

Running Containers in ECS or EKS

The problem with containers is that is it hard to manage at scale.


  • Managing many containers at scale requires a managed service.
  • ELB integration registers containers as they come online and offline.
  • Containers can have individual roles attached to them, making security a breeze.
  • Ease of use: extremely easy to set up and scale to handle any workload.


  • Open-source alternative to ECS.
  • Not always the easiest platform to get running, hence why the managed service EKS.



  • Ease-of-use: proprietry platform.
  • Cannot work on-prem.


  • Best used when you're not all in on AWS.
  • More work to configure and integrate with AWS.

Exam tips:

  • In general, you'll be looking for ECS. Prefer AWS services over third-party.
  • If they ask for on-prem or open-source, think EKS.

Removing Servers With Fargate

Problem with servers:

  • Managing updates, patches, etc.
  • Scaling

What is Fargate?

A serverless compute engine for containers that works with both ECS and EKS.

  • Requires ECS or EKS.
  • Linux only.

EC2 vs Fargate


  • EC2 pricing model can save dollars.
  • Long-running containers.
  • You are responsible for underlying operating system.
  • Multiple containers share the same host.


  • No OS access.
  • Pay based on resources allocated and time ran. Great for ephemeral tasks.
  • Isolated environments.

Fargate vs Lambda


  • Select when you have more consistent workloads.
  • Allows Docker use accross the org and a greater level of control by devs.


  • Great for unpredictable or inconsistent workloads.
  • Perfect for apps that can be expressed as a single function.

Exam tips:

  • Lambda is for lightweight functions that can run quickly and be integrating into our AWS architecture.
  • Fargate is for container that I don't need to run all the time.
  • EC2 for containers running all the time.
  • Fargate requires ECS or EKS. It doesn't work by itself.
  • Fargate is more expensive, but easier to use.

Amazon EventBridge (CloudWatch Events)

A serverless event buss that allows you to pass events from a source to an endpoint.

It is the glue that holds serverless apps together.

Creating a rule

  1. Define pattern: how do you want the rule invoked?
  2. Select Event Bus: Is this an AWS-based event? Custom? Partner?
  3. Select the target: do you trigger a Lambda func? Post to an SQS queue? Send an email?

Exam tips:

  • EventBridge is the glue for our serverless architectures.
  • Speed is the fastest way to respond to things happening in your environment.
  • Common use case is triggering lambda funcs.
  • Is the app right for containers?
  • Do you need those servers? If possible, use managed services.
  • Is the app AWS specific?
  • How long does the code need to run?