
EKS Basics


  1. For EC2 comparison
  2. More comparisons
  3. Comparing T instances

Cost of EKS

Control planeUSD$73/month
Per nodeChanges per node

Note: flat rate is even if there are no nodes.

The best way to calculate is to go to the AWS calculator.

Example pricing:

EKS with 3 m5.large in us-east-1EKS Control Plane + Worker Nodes (m5.large X 3)$73 + (3 * $81.76)$318.28
EKS with 3 t4g.large in us-east-1EKS Control Plane + Worker Nodes (t4g.large X 3)$73 + (3 * $58.4)$248.2

Ways to spin up a cluster

  1. AWS Console
  2. CloudFormation
  3. AWS CLI
  4. AWS CDK
  5. eksctl CLI


The best way to learn by getting hands-on quickly.

  1. CLI tool for creating clusters with EKS
  2. Abstracts lots of stuff - VPC, subnet, sec group etc using CloudFormation
CommandBrief Description
eksctl create clusterCreate EKS cluster with one nodeground containing 2 m5.large nodes
eksctl create cluster --name <name> --version 1.15 --node-type t3.micro --nodes 2Creates 2 tw.micro nodes with Kubernetes 1.15
eksctl create cluster ... --managedCreated cluster with managed node group
eksctl create cluster --fargateCreate Cluster with Fargate Profile

Install + configure

# For Mac $ brew install eksctl # ... installs


  1. CLI for running commands against a cluster on k8s Resources
  2. Communicate via cluster API server
  3. Works for any k8s cluster - EKS, k8s on EC2, GKE etc.

Spinning up the first cluster

In the example, the following is run:

$ eksctl create cluster --name eksctl-test --nodegroup-name ng-default --node-type t3.micro --nodes 2 # ... response based on creating the cluster

It will take about 5-10 minutes and creates two CloudFormation templates.

There was an example yaml that eksctl can also use:

# cluster.yaml apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5 kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: basic-cluster region: eu-north-1 nodeGroups: - name: ng-1 instanceType: m5.large desiredCapacity: 10 volumeSize: 80 ssh: allow: true # will use ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub as the default ssh key - name: ng-2 instanceType: m5.xlarge desiredCapacity: 2 volumeSize: 100 ssh: publicKeyPath: ~/.ssh/ec2_id_rsa.pub

This can be created using eksctl create cluster -f cluster.yaml.

To delete we can run eksctl delete cluster --name <NAME>.

Pod limit in a node

  • Max number of allow pods depends on EC2 instance type.
  • Bigger the instance, more pods.

You can see a list here

By default, you will see that the defaults already have some pods running.

Running kubectl get pods -n kube-system would show you the system pods required to run.

In an experiment, there were 10 pods made and noticeably there were no pods running.

Managed Nodegroups

This is an EKS-exclusive feature.

Say the follow happens:

  1. k8 version needs to be updated
  2. New security patch
  3. EC2 AMI needs to be updated
    • You need to create AMIs (nodes would drain pods and app will be down and you need to orchestrate HA)

Managed nodegroups automate the deployment of updates AMIs with security patches, CVEs.

  1. No app downtime
  2. No overhead of user management orchestratration
  3. Autoscaling group done behind the scenes

How does it do it?

  • Worker Node k8s updated with one click/one API call
  • AWS provides AMI with security updates. No patching/rehydrate effort for you.


In the example, the following is run:

# 1.14 for used to update $ eksctl create cluster --name eksctl-test --version 1.14 --nodegroup-name ng-default --node-type t3.micro --nodes 2 --managed # ... response based on creating the cluster

After creating, the cluster control plane version was updated from the EKS dashboard.

After updated, there is a message on the dashboard letting you know that there is a new version for AMI groups.

You can head down and update that from there.


Helm solves the problem of multiple manifest files and packaging re-useable sets of charts.

$ helm install x stable/wordpress # ... installs

  • Helm is a package manager for k8s
  • Packages are called Charts
  • Helm Charts help define, install and upgrade complex K8s apps
  • Charts can be versioned, shared and published
  • Helm charts can accept input params
    • kubectl needs template engine to do this
  • Popular packages already available

The structure:

├── Chart.yaml ├── values.yaml └── templates/ ├── service.yaml └── deployment.yaml

helm search repo <SEARCH>Search local metadata for chart
helm search hub <SEARCH>Search greater hub for chart
helm repo add <NAME> <URL>Add a chart to your metadata
helm pull bitnami/nginx --untar=truePull down nginx server code
helm install <NAME> bitnami/nginxInstall nginx chart under desired name



