Defines required meta-data for a theme and provides additional optional settings used by Drupal's theme layer.
This is the only required file for a theme. The name of this file determines the value of THEMENAME.
Example: themes/icecream/
THEMENAME.theme file
A PHP file that contains conditional logic, and handles preprocessing of variables before they are output via template files.
Example: themes/icecream/icecream.theme
templates/.html.twig files
Twig template files provide HTML markup and very basic presentation logic. Template files in a theme generally follow a specific naming convention and are used to override the default markup output by Drupal. Twig template files are required to be placed within the templates/ sub-directory and may be organized into any number of sub-folders from there.
Define CSS and JavaScript libraries that can be loaded by your theme. All CSS and JavaScript should be added to the page via an asset library.
Example: themes/icecream/icecream.libraries.yml
Defines the responsive design breakpoints used by your theme for Drupal.
Example: themes/icecream/icecream.breakpoints.yml
Some themes may contain additional configuration for Drupal. A common example is image styles used by your theme. This optional configuration is located in files within the config/ directory.
Example: themes/icecream/config/schema/icecream.schema.yml
drupal generate:theme
will walk you through theme setup.
# file for Ice Cream example theme. name: Ice Cream type: theme base theme: classy description: 'A great theme for warm summer days.' package: Custom core: 8.x
For a complete list of keys:
See more here
Ensure you disable the cache to enable updates on reloads/save changes.
Regions are areas of a page into which content can be placed. Content is assigned to regions via blocks. If you think of blocks as the base elements that can be used to compose a page, then regions provide the containers within the page where an administrator can place blocks. Regions give your site layout, and your markup its structure.
Regions are defined by themes. Since the theme ultimately controls the layout of a page, it must also specify the set of regions that an administrator is allowed to place content into, and how those regions are represented in the HTML markup of the page. A header region might be rendered as an HTML <header>
and a left sidebar might be an <aside>
or a <div>
depending on the requirements of the theme.
Navigate to Structure > Block
layout (admin/structure/block) to confirm that Drupal is now using your regions. Region names shown in block layout UI.
If we now edit page.html.twig
Displaying regions in your page.html.twig template.
If you haven't already, you'll need to override the default page.html.twig file since we'll be modifying it. Learn more about overriding template files.
Adding the metadata to your file above has automatically introduced new variables that you can access in your page.html.twig template. These contain the content of whatever blocks have been placed into each region. The names correspond with the array keys you used in your file.
content: 'Content'
corresponds with {{ page.content }}
and sidebar_first: 'Sidebar first'
corresponds with {{ page.sidebar_first }}
Now, just adjust the markup in your page.html.twig template to accommodate your new regions.
<div class="layout-content">{{ page.content }}</div>
Tip: When printing regions in your template that are not guaranteed to have content, it's a good idea to wrap them in some conditional logic. This way you won't end up with empty container elements in your output. This is a key part of creating responsive themes.
{% if page.sidebar_first %} <aside class="layout-sidebar-first" role="complementary"> {{ page.sidebar_first }} </aside> {% endif %}
Theme hook suggestions are provided by one of three hooks. Both modules and themes can add or remove suggestions from the list.
hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(array $variables) hook_theme_suggestions_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables, $hook) hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables)
For example, if you wanted to use a different template to display nodes for users who are logged in to your site you might add a theme hook suggestion via your theme that makes it so the template node--authenticated.html.twig is added to the list, and thus used, for all logged in users.
Preprocess functions allow Drupal themes to manipulate the variables that are used in Twig template files by using PHP functions to preprocess data before it is exposed to each template. All of the dynamic content available to theme developers within a Twig template file is exposed through a preprocess function. Understanding how preprocess functions work, and the role they play, is important for both module developers and theme developers.
Some examples:
If you want to look up Drupal-specific Twig functions on, you will need to search for the corresponding PHP callable. You can find the corresponding method in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Template/TwigExtension.php
inside the method: public function getFunctions().