
22: Understanding The Internals Of PostgreSQL

Where does Postgres Store Data?

We can use the SHOW keyword to get config information about the database.

SHOW data_directory;

From the folder that is shown, we can see our data is stored inside of a folder called base.

SELECT oid, datname FROM pg_database;

This will show us idea numbers and database names in a table where the oid matches the folders from that previously found base folder.

All the files inside the correlating folder for our database is where our data is stored.

SELECT * FROM pg_class;

The above statement will give back oid relating to a relfile which gives us an idea of where information is stored. They each represent individual objects in our database.

If we find the oid that matches our users table, then we know that file contains all of our users table.

Heaps, Blocks and Tuples

Heap (or heap file)File that contains all the data (rows) of our table
Tuple (or item)Individual row from the table
Block (or page)The heap file is divided into many different 'blocks' or 'pages'. Each page/block stores some number of rows.
  • Heap data structure is very different to a heap file.
  • Each block/page is 8kB large.

Block data layout

Each block has information about the block, then after is the pointers for each data stored within the block eg. item 1, 2, etc. After is some free space, then at the end is the data for the tuple items.

Heap file layout

There is a database page layout that tells more about this.

This lesson uses the hex editor extension in VSCode to demonstrate the files.

An overview of the page layout:

PageHeaderData20 bytes long. Contains general information about the page, including free space pointers.
ItemIdDataArray of (offset,length) pairs pointing to the actual items. 4 bytes per item.
Free spaceThe unallocated space. New item pointers are allocated from the start of this area, new items from the end.
ItemsThe actual items themselves.
Special spaceIndex access method specific data. Different methods store different data. Empty in ordinary tables.

Within the PageHeaderData is the following layout:

pd_lsnXLogRecPtr8 bytesLSN: next byte after last byte of xlog record for last change to this page
pd_tliTimeLineID4 bytesTLI of last change
pd_lowerLocationIndex2 bytesOffset to start of free space
pd_upperLocationIndex2 bytesOffset to end of free space
pd_specialLocationIndex2 bytesOffset to start of special space
pd_pagesize_versionuint162 bytesPage size and layout version number information

The first important thing to note is that the pd_lower and pd_upper fields are the offset to the start and end of the free space.



