
Kafka Internals


Each broker is assigned an ID. When there are multiple brokers in a cluster (best practice), one is selected as the Controller. The Controller will be responsible for electing the leader of the partition.

Broker Config

Broker Configkafka/config/server.properties
Server Logskafka/logs/server.log
Messages Logskafka/data/kafka
View Nodes in Zookeeper Shellkafka/bin/zookeeper-shell.sh zookeeper1:2181/kafka && ls get /controller


Replicas provide guarantees for the availability of the data. The replicator factor provides a way for the Kafka administrator to control the availability of that data in the event of failure. For example, if the replication factor is set to 3, you will have 3 copies of each partition spread across the brokers.

What are the goals for placement of replicas?

  • Spread evenly amongst brokers
  • Each partition is on a different broker
  • Put replicas on different racks

Handling Requests

Producer or consumer sends request to the Broker and the Broker handles the request in the following way:

  1. Acceptor Thread: Creates the connection from client to Broker.
  2. Processor Thread: Takes requests from clientss and places them into the request queue.
  3. IO Thread: Processes the requests in the requests queue.
  4. Request Queue: Requests waiting to be processed.
  5. Response Queue: Requests waiting to be sent back to the clients.


Within a broker, a topic can be broken down into multiple partitions (with n-1 partitions being replicas).

  • Partitions within a topic are split between brokers.
  • Partitions themselves will never be split up.
  • Partitions will continue to get larger as the number of messages grow.
  • Messages will never be removed from the partition, only appended.
  • Messages are stored in the directory specified in the server.properties file (log.dirs).



