Head to the iOS dev portal and add the appropriate certificate.
You may need to open Keychain access to generate a new key using Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Req Cert from Cert Auth
and generate a new cert. This cert will be used to generate what you need to import into Keychain Access from the dev portal.
Once created, export it to a folder for the server.
Using composer
, you can build out a scaffold using the Slim Framework:
composer create-project slim/slim-skeleton [project-name]
To install the PHP PassKit helper, run composer require pkpass/pkpass
Once built, you can then hit the routes and just require the pkpass and the routes file may end up looking like this:
<?php // Routes use PKPass\PKPass; $app->get('/', function ($request, $response, $args) { // Sample log message $this->logger->info("Slim-Skeleton '/' route"); // Render index view return $this->renderer->render($response, 'sample.phtml', $args); }); $app->get('/pass', function ($request, $response, $args) { // Sample log message $this->logger->info("Slim-Skeleton '/pass' route"); $pass = new PKPass('<name>.p12', '<insert-password>'); // Pass content $data = [ 'description' => 'Demo pass', 'formatVersion' => 1, 'organizationName' => 'Flight Express', 'passTypeIdentifier' => 'pass.com.<teamname>.<passname>', // Change this! 'serialNumber' => '12345678', 'teamIdentifier' => '<insert-team-id>', // Change this! Found on Apple Dev Portal 'boardingPass' => [ 'primaryFields' => [ [ 'key' => 'origin', 'label' => 'San Francisco', 'value' => 'SFO', ], [ 'key' => 'destination', 'label' => 'London', 'value' => 'LHR', ], ], 'secondaryFields' => [ [ 'key' => 'gate', 'label' => 'Gate', 'value' => 'F12', ], [ 'key' => 'date', 'label' => 'Departure date', 'value' => '07/11/2012 10:22', ], ], 'backFields' => [ [ 'key' => 'passenger-name', 'label' => 'Passenger', 'value' => 'John Appleseed', ], ], 'transitType' => 'PKTransitTypeAir', ], 'barcode' => [ 'format' => 'PKBarcodeFormatQR', 'message' => 'Flight-GateF12-ID6643679AH7B', 'messageEncoding' => 'iso-8859-1', ], 'backgroundColor' => 'rgb(32,110,247)', 'logoText' => 'Flight info', 'relevantDate' => date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sP') ]; $pass->setWWDRcertPath('<path to wwdr.pem>'); $pass->setData($data); // Add files to the pass package $pass->addFile('public/icon.png'); $pass->addFile('public/icon@2x.png'); $pass->addFile('public/logo.png'); if($pass->checkError($error) == true) { // echo $error; // exit('An error occured: ' . $error); } // echo 'Here'; $result = $pass->create(true); if($result == false) { echo $pass->getError(); } // Render index view return $result; });
<?php // Routes use PKPass\PKPass; $app->get('/', function ($request, $response, $args) { // Sample log message $this->logger->info("Slim-Skeleton '/' route"); // Render index view return $this->renderer->render($response, 'sample.phtml', $args); }); $app->get('/pass', function ($request, $response, $args) { // Sample log message $this->logger->info("Slim-Skeleton '/pass' route"); $pass = new PKPass('<key-path>', 'password'); // Pass content $data = [ 'formatVersion' => 1, 'organizationName' => 'Testing', 'passTypeIdentifier' => 'pass.com.<id>.<app>', // Change this! 'serialNumber' => '12345678', 'teamIdentifier' => '<team-id>', // Change this! 'logoText' => 'Loyalty', 'description' => 'Rewards card', 'storeCard' => [ 'secondaryFields' => [ [ 'key' => 'balance', 'label' => 'BALANCE', 'value' => '$250.00' ], [ 'key' => 'name', 'label' => 'NICKNAME', 'value' => 'Denno' ], ], 'backFields' => [ [ 'key' => 'owner-name', 'label' => 'Rewards Card', 'value' => 'John Appleseed' ], ] ], 'barcode' => [ 'format' => 'PKBarcodeFormatPDF417', 'message' => 'ID6643679AH7B', 'messageEncoding' => 'iso-8859-1', 'altText' => 'ID6643679AH7B' ], 'backgroundColor' => 'rgb(32,110,247)', 'logoText' => 'Dummy card info' ]; $pass->setWWDRcertPath('<wwdr-key>'); $pass->setData($data); // Add files to the pass package $pass->addFile('public/icon.png'); $pass->addFile('public/icon@2x.png'); $pass->addFile('public/logo.png'); if($pass->checkError($error) == true) { // echo $error; // exit('An error occured: ' . $error); } // echo 'Here'; $result = $pass->create(true); if($result == false) { echo $pass->getError(); } // Render index view return $result; }); ?>
If you need to generate a wwdr cert, you can globally install passbook
eg. node install -g passbook
and run a command like node-passbook prepare-keys -p <folder-hosting-exported-keys>
and it can do the conversion for you. Make sure you don't forget the password, though.
Some changes you may need to make are passing POST
variables to change it for each user.
If you need to change the JSON structure above, refer to https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/UserExperience/Reference/PassKit_Bundle/Chapters/Introduction.html