
JIRA Usage and Best Practises

This is a set of personally decided best guidelines for when structuring a project.


TasksKeep tasks as high level as possible. Make sure, however, that these high-level tasks are specific enough to target one area.
SubtasksThese should break down the high level task into manageable pieces.
Time estimateIt is really important to give a time estimate beside each unit. These estimates will be used in future to help decide the best use of time.
Time loggingLog actual time against the estimate for future reference. Be as accurate as possible.
PriorityIf possible, ensure to give an accurate priority to the high level tasks. This will help with defining daily schedules and sprints.
VersionsWhen going through iteration cycles, try as hard as possible to define the version these tasks belong too.
ComponentsFor each section of a project, set a component.
LabelsLabels are more informal but arguably more important to defining where time allocation has gone. These labels should not change from project to project.

Component vs Label

Definition of a component and a label:

Components are sub-sections of a project. They are used to group issues within a project into smaller parts. Labeling allows you to categorize an issue(s) in a more informal way than assigning it to a version or component. You can then search for issues that have been given a particular label.


  1. Ensure that each sprint takes into account the appropriate amount of work hours. This means taking into account the hours required for meetings, retrospectives etc.
  2. Treat each work week as a total of 40 hours per person.
  3. While things can change, try not to change the scope of the sprint after it has started. The only addition tasks (if possible) to be added should be subtasks.



