

Understanding "this" in JavaScript


4 ways that "this" takes a value:

  1. In normal function calls
  2. Within methods on objects
  3. Within an object that has been constructed
  4. A function invoked with .call, .apply, or bind

/****/ First way /****/

function helloWorld() { console.log("Hello world!"); };

//"this"in a browser, it's the window // bit different in node.js

/****/ Second way /****/

//this is done using Node

var Portland = { bridges: 12, airport: 1, soccerTeams: 1, logNumberOfBridges: function() { console.log("There are " + this.bridges + " bridges in Portland!") }, logTeams: function() { console.log(this.soccerTeams); } }

//another way of logteams using this function logTeams() { console.log(this.soccerTeams); //if the word was just this, it would print all node info }

Portland.foo = logTeams;

Portland.logNumberOfBridges(); Portland.logTeams(); Portland.foo(); logTeams(); //comes back as undefined

/****/ Third way /****/

var City = function(name, state) { this.name = name || 'Portland'; this.state = state || 'Oregon'; this.printMyCityAndState = function() { console.log("My city is " + this.name + ", and my state is " + this.state); }; };

portland = new City(); seattle = new City('Seattle', 'Washington');

console.log(portland); console.log(seattle);

portland.printMyCityAndState(); seattle.printMyCityAndState();

  • Note: Corresponds to the instance value itself