
Implementing React Context With TypeScript

Here is a short overview of how the type-safety occured for these elements:

enum TodoAction { setTodo, } type TodoReducerState = { todo: Todo; }; type TodoReducerAction = { type: TodoAction.setTodo; payload: Todo; }; const TodoStateContext = React.createContext<TodoReducerState | undefined>( undefined, ); TodoStateContext.displayName = 'TodoStateContext'; const TodoDispatchContext = React.createContext< React.Dispatch<TodoReducerAction> | undefined >(undefined); TodoDispatchContext.displayName = 'TodoDispatchContext'; function todoReducer( state: TodoReducerState, action: TodoReducerAction, ): TodoReducerState { switch (action.type) { case TodoAction.setTodo: return { ...state, todo: action.payload }; default: throw new Error(`Unhandled action type: ${action.type}`); } } const TodoProvider: React.FC<{ initialState: { todo: Todo } }> = ({ children, initialState, }) => { const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(todoReducer, initialState); return ( <TodoStateContext.Provider value={state}> <TodoDispatchContext.Provider value={dispatch}> {children} </TodoDispatchContext.Provider> </TodoStateContext.Provider> ); }; // final hook to get the context back type UseTodoTuple = [TodoReducerState, React.Dispatch<TodoReducerAction>]; function useTodo(): UseTodoTuple { const state = React.useContext(TodoStateContext); const dispatch = React.useContext(TodoDispatchContext); if (!state || !dispatch) { throw new Error('Requires TodoStateContext or TodoDispatchContext'); } return [state, dispatch]; }



