Interview Examples
This is a chance to note and reflect on personal examples.
Collaboration Examples
- Incident collaboration efforts
- 3rd party collaboration from companies for CA jobs
- Leadership at school
- New frontier liasing with stakeholders
- Tracking management tools - JIRA, time as PM/delivery lead
- Design history
- Cross-functional teams
- Resolving and understanding issues that work across a spectrum
- Distrubuted engineering teams
Initiative Examples
- CA onboarding and taking onboard the microservice languages
- Delivery of our major products
- Delivery lead PC
- GraphQL, Redis, Chat bot, React Native introductions
- Deployment pipelines
- Event tracking implementation
Communication Examples
- Apple sales for accessibility, age demographics, differing levels
- Indigenous tutoring
- Multiple intelligence theory and my strong points and weaknesses
- Introduction of collaboration tools
- Verbal presentations for new frontier expeditions
Cunning Examples
- Graph shaped tiering relations
- Agnostic package manager
- Linting and validation tools for designers
- Sketch-to-React-Native application
- Alexa invoice generator
- Self-healing Python data fetch tool
- Dynamic scaffolder
- Ship -> dynamically compile and move files to the PATH
- AST work
- Tixel scraper
Questions To Consider Asking
- B: Business
- O: Office
- C: Culture
- C: Career Development
- L: Life
- I: Involvement
- M: Management
- E: Engineering
The idea is to try consider these different areas and ask appropriate questions related to it.
Thinking Principles
Many of these also comes from the page on First Principles
a) Thinking fast and slow:
- System 1 is the fast, unconcious system
- System 2 to the present, aware, calculative system
b) CASMHDR for system design:
- C: Clarify requirements
- A: API Definition
- S: Scale Estimatation
- M: Modelling Data
- H: High-Level Design
- D: Detailed Design
- R: Reduce Bottlenecks
c) ScREAM for understanding the requirements of a solid system:
- Sc: Scalability
- R: Reliability
- A: Availability
- E: Efficiency
- M: Manageability
d) Coding First Principles
- SOLID - Single Responsibility Principle, Open-Close Principle, Liskov's Substitution Princple, Interface Segregation Principle, Dependency Inversion Principle
- KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
- DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
- YAGNI - You Ain't Gonna Need It
- Composition > Inheritance
- Separation of Concerns
- Avoid Premature Optimisation
- Refactor Refactor Refactor
- Clean Code > Clever Code
- Occam's Razor - Does the benefit outweigh the cost?
- Least Astonishment Principle - Naming should come as no surprise to what it does
- Law of Demeter - Divide responsibility between classes