
React Testing Library

An example of the library in action:

import * as React from 'react'; import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import TeamDropdown from '../TeamDropdown'; const stubProps = { isArchiveable: false, editAction: jest.fn(), archiveAction: jest.fn(), deleteAction: jest.fn(), }; const Wrapper = (props: any = {}) => <TeamDropdown {...stubProps} {...props} />; describe('team dropdown state', () => { test('should not be archivable when isArchiveable is false', () => { const component = render(<Wrapper />); fireEvent.click(component.getByText('Open menu')); expect(component.queryByText('Archive')).toBeNull(); }); test('should be archivable when isArchiveable is true', () => { const component = render(<Wrapper isArchiveable={true} />); fireEvent.click(component.getByText('Open menu')); expect(component.queryByText('Archive')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should fire archive action', () => { const component = render(<Wrapper isArchiveable={true} />); fireEvent.click(component.getByText('Open menu')); expect(component.queryByText('Archive')).toBeTruthy(); fireEvent.click(component.getByText('Archive')); expect(stubProps.archiveAction).toBeCalled(); }); test('should fire edit action', () => { const component = render(<Wrapper />); fireEvent.click(component.getByText('Open menu')); fireEvent.click(component.getByText('Edit')); expect(stubProps.editAction).toBeCalled(); }); test('should fire delete action', () => { const component = render(<Wrapper />); fireEvent.click(component.getByText('Open menu')); fireEvent.click(component.getByText('Delete')); expect(stubProps.deleteAction).toBeCalled(); }); });


// Component.tsx // super basic example w/ no types import useAPIHook from 'path/to/hook'; const Component = () => { const { data, loading } = useAPIHook(); // whatever you are getting destructured from the hook if (loading) return <p data-automation-id="example-loading">Loading</p>; return <p data-automation-id="example-data">Doing cool stuff with {data}</p>; }; // Component.test.tsx import Component from 'path/to/component'; import useAPIHook from 'path/to/hook'; jest.mock('path/to/hook'); describe('useful description', () => { test('component does this when data available', async () => { useAPIHook.mockImplementation(() => ({ data: 'mocks', loading: false, })); const { getByTestId } = await render(<Component />); expect(getByTestId('example-data')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('component shows loading when API loading', async () => { useAPIHook.mockImplementation(() => ({ data: 'mocks', loading: true, })); const { getByTestId } = await render(<Component />); expect(getByTestId('example-loading')).toBeTruthy(); }); });



