
Webmasters Elm


  1. Learning a new language
  2. Smaller ecosystem
  3. Fewer Web APIs have first-class support


  1. Bundle size small
  2. Production Elm in the first week


JS EquivalentElm
Packageselm install

Rendering a page


Compiles to JS.

elm make Main.elm --output elm.js

User Interface Example

Converting this to Elm:

let pluralize = (singular, plural, quantity) => quantity === 1 ? singular : plural;

pluralize singular plural quantity = if quantity == 1 then singular else plural main = text (pluralize "leaf" "leaves" 1) -- parentheses are to disambiguate

Part 1 - Example

This basic example gives a short look at actually creating a working piece of code.

module Main exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) banner = div [ class "banner" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ h1 [] [ text "conduit"] , p [] [ text "A place to share your knowledge."] ] ] feed = div [ class "feed-toggle" ] [ text "(In the future we’ll display a feed of articles here!)" ] main = div [ class "home-page" ] [ banner , div [ class "container page" ] [ div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-md-9" ] [ feed ] , div [ class "col-md-3" ] [] ] ] ]

The Elm Architecture

Update, Model, View.

View is function that takes a model as a function.

Note that whatever message you use, you need to be consistent for Update and View.

type alias Msg = { description: String , data: String } view : Model -> Html Msg view model = -- update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model =

Type Annotations

username = "okeeffed" -- typed example (Elm uses inference either way) username : String username = "okeeffed" -- alt example String.length : String -> Int -- name list names : List String names = ["Sam", "Bob", "Bill"]


pluralize : String -> String -> Int -> String -- equivocal to pluralize : String -> (String -> (Int -> String))

Case Expressions

case model.tab of "YourFeed" -> -- show feed "GlobalFeed" -> -- show Global Feed _ -> -- show Tag Feed

Custom Types

-- creates completely distinct values type Tab = YourFeed | GlobalFeed | TagFeed yours : Tab yours = YourFeed -- Turning types into functions type Tab = YourFeed | GlobalFeed | TagFeed String -- in the repl > TagFeed "Happiness" TagFeed "Happiness" : Tab > TagFeed <function> : String -> Tab

Using Custom Types with updates:

-- allows us to pass different data types type Msg = ClickedTag String | ClickedPage Int update msg model = case msg of ClickedTag selectedTag -> -- use tag here ClickedPage page -> -- use page here

Summing it all up

Type | In Elm case-expressions | case msg of Enumerations | type Bool = True | False Containers | type Msg = ClickedPage Int | ... Variant Functions | onClick (ClickedPage pageNumber)

Maybe Overview

-- List.head : List elem -> Maybe elem first users = List.head users -- example case case first newUsers of Just user -> String.length user Nothing -> 0


List.head (List.map (List.reverse (List.filter (\x -> x < 5) [2, 4, 6])) negate) -- As pipeline [2, 4, 6] |> List.filter (\x -> x < 5) |> List.reverse |> List.map negate |> List.head

Decoding JSON

-- Import to understand custom type type Result okVal errVal = Ok okVal | Err errVal -- similar to String.toint() case decodeString Json.Decode.int "42" of Ok num -> -- Do something with Int Err error -> -- Do something with the error type alias User = { id : Int , firstName : String , lastName : String } user : Decoder User user = Json.Decode.succeed User |> required "user_id" int |> required "first_name" string |> required "last_name" string -- Alternatively users : Decoder (List User) users = list user

Optional and Nullable

type alias User = { id : Int , name : Maybe String , email : String } user : Decoder User user = Json.Decode.succeed User |> required "user_id" int |> required "name" (nullable string) |> required "email" string

For an example that requires a list:

Decode.succeed Metadata |> required "description" string |> required "title" string |> required "tagList" (list string) |> required "favorited" bool |> required "favoritesCound" int |> required "createdAt" Timestamp.iso8601Decoder


Serve the same purpose as records but with field positions instead of names.

There is a 3 limit max!

x = Tuple.first (5, 7) (name, x, y) = ("foo", 5, 7) x = { x = 5, y = 7 }.x { name, x, y } = { name = "foo", x = 5, y = 7 }

Http and interacting with servers




