


Q: I'm having a database connection failure through MAMP

A: Double check the wp_options in the siteurl and home settings and that they correctly match MAMP. If you are on the default MAMP ports, you may need localhost:8888 in both addresses. Also check the wp_config.php file in your text editor to ensure the content URL is also correct.

Also be sure to check your /etc/hosts file to see what address and terms are set up and that you restart the mySQL daemon, MAMP and Sequel Pro.

Q: Adjust get_posts posts_per_page for a data["term"] request

A: Add it as an argument in twig or create a custom function adjusting the posts_per_page. You can pass any get_posts properties as arguments here.

Q: Where can I find what I need?

A: Check against the staging website if it is up to grab things like taxonomies, types, and to figure out the layout.

WPPRES-2: Custom Type Relationships

// in author-articles.php // be sure to require it in the functions.php file! <?php class AuthorArticles { // Get all locations w/ recent posts public static function getAuthorArticles($author) { $args = new WP_Query([ 'post_type' => 'post', 'no_found_rows' => true, 'fields' => 'ids', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'desc', 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => 'article_author', 'value' => $author, 'compare' => 'LIKE' ] ] ]); $postIds = $args->get_posts(); $results = Timber::get_posts($postIds); return Timber::get_posts($postIds); } } ?> // example in use // Author Template - single-authors.php file <?php /* Template Name: Author */ $data = Context::getDefaultContext(); $data['author'] = Timber::get_post(); $data['posts'] = AuthorArticles::getAuthorArticles($data['author']->id); $data['breadcrumbs'] = [ [ 'text' => 'Authors', 'url' => $data['site']->url .'/authors' ] ]; Timber::render('author.twig', $data); ?>

WPPRES-3: Example of Rendering a .twig file using Timber WP functions

  • using the above examples

// __author.twig__ {% if post.article_author %} {% set author = TimberPost(post.get_field('article_author')) %} <div class="author-container"> <p>Article By</p> <div class="author"> <div class="image"> {% set image = TimberImage(author.get_thumbnail) %} {% include 'partials/image.twig' with { image: image, size: 'square_400' } %} </div> <div class="info"> <h3 class="title">{{ author.title }}</h3> {% for social in author.get_field('social') %} <div class='social'> <a href='{{ social.url }}' target="_blank" class='icon'> <i class='{{ socialIcons[social.network] }}'></i> </a> <a href='{{ social.url }}' target="_blank"> <span>{{ social.display }}</span> </a> </div> {% endfor %} <a class="authorlink" href="{{ author.link }}">View Author Page</a> </div> </div> </div> {% endif %} *** // __list.twig__ <div class="list -post"> <ul class="list-items"> {% for post in posts %} {% include 'partials/post/list-item.twig' %} {% else %} <p>Sorry, no posts matched your criteria</p> {% endfor %} </ul> </div> *** __list-item.twig__ <li class="list-item -post tile"> <a href="#"> <div class="image"> <img src="{{ post.get_thumbnail }}" alt=""> </div> <div class="info"> <h3 class="title">{{ post.title }}</h3> <p>{{ post.intro }}</p> <div class="read-more"> <a href="{{ post.link }}">read more ></a> </div> </div> </a> </li>

WPPRES-4: Example PHP functions.php

<?php add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false'); require_once('functions/routes.php'); require_once('functions/twig.php'); require_once('functions/theme_support.php'); require_once('functions/enqueue_scripts.php'); require_once('functions/acf.php'); require_once('functions/timber.php'); require_once('functions/context.php'); require_once('functions/locations.php'); require_once('functions/author_articles.php'); require_once('functions/infobox.php'); if (!is_admin()) { require_once('functions/post_filters.php'); } ?>

WPPRES-5: Creating AJAX (Loading example)

Using twig, variables were passed down to be used for things such as loadmore.twig, while a PHP class, routes and functions were set up to interact with the JS file.


<?php ... require_once('functions/load_more.php'); ... ?>


<?php class LoadMore { public function loadNextSet($params) { $perPage = 6; $page = $params['page']; $category = $params['cat']; $data = Context::getDefaultContext(); $data['category'] = new TimberTerm($category); $data['tag'] = 'tag'; $posts = $data['category']->get_posts([ 'posts_per_page' => $perPage, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'offset' => ($perPage*$page) + 3, ]); $data['posts'] = $posts; Timber::render('partials/post/grid.twig', $data); exit(); } } ?>


... // $params are the :section, :cat and :page args Routes::map(':section/:cat/:page', function($params){ $articles = new LoadMore(); echo $articles->loadNextSet($params); }); ...

__loadmore.twig__ ```html <div class="loadmore-container" data-page='1' data-section='{{ section }}' data-category='{{ category }}'> <a>Load More</a> </div>


var titleTagline = require('./title-tagline.js'); var loadMore = { $loadMoreContainer: $('.loadmore-container'), category: $('.loadmore-container').data('category'), section: $('.loadmore-container').data('section'), search: $('.loadmore-container').data('search'), page: $('.loadmore-container').data('page'), base_url: $('meta[name=base_url]').attr('content'), perPage: 6, init: function() { // Show mega-menu when mega-menu link is focused loadMore.$loadMoreContainer.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($('ul.grid').length > 0) { loadMore.loadNextSection(); } else { loadMore.loadNextSearch(); } }); }, loadNextSection: function() { return $.ajax({ url: loadMore.base_url + '/section/' + loadMore.section + '/' + loadMore.category + '/' + loadMore.page, type: 'GET', success: loadMore.resultsSection, error: loadMore.outputError }); }, loadNextSearch: function() { var urlString = loadMore.search; urlString = urlString.replace(' ', '+'); console.log(urlString); return $.ajax({ url: loadMore.base_url + '/search/' + urlString + '/' + loadMore.page, type: 'GET', success: loadMore.resultsSearch, error: loadMore.outputError }); }, resultsSection: function(data) { var numPosts = $(data).find('li.-post').length; loadMore.page = parseInt(loadMore.page) + 1; var render = $(data) .find('li.-post') .unwrap(); $('ul.grid') .last() .append(render); if (numPosts < loadMore.perPage) { loadMore.hideViewAll(); } titleTagline.init(); titleTagline.doneResizing(); }, resultsSearch: function(data) { console.log(data); var numPosts = $(data).find('li.list-item').length; loadMore.page = parseInt(loadMore.page) + 1; var render = $(data) .find('li.list-item') .unwrap(); $('ul.list') .last() .append(render); if (numPosts < loadMore.perPage) { loadMore.hideViewAll(); } }, hideViewAll: function() { loadMore.$loadMoreContainer.css('display', 'none'); } }; module.exports = { init: loadMore.init };


<?php class LoadMore { public function loadNextLocationsSet($params) { $perPage = 6; $page = $params['page']; $category = $params['cat']; $data = Context::getDefaultContext(); $data['category'] = new TimberTerm($category); $data['tag'] = 'tag'; $posts = $data['category']->get_posts([ 'posts_per_page' => $perPage, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'offset' => ($perPage*$page) + 3, ]); $data['posts'] = $posts; Timber::render('partials/post/grid.twig', $data); exit(); } public function loadNextSearchSet($params) { $perPage = 6; $page = (int)$params['page']; $field = $params['search']; $offset = ($perPage*$page) + 4; $data = Context::getDefaultContext(); $search = get_query_var('s'); $searchTerm = htmlspecialchars($field); $data['posts'] = SearchTerms::getSearchArticles($field, $offset, $perPage); Timber::render('partials/post/list.twig', $data); exit(); } public function loadNextInspirationsSet($params) { $exclusion = []; $perPage = 6; $page = $params['page']; $category = $params['cat']; $data = Context::getDefaultContext(); $data['category'] = new TimberTerm($category); $data['tag'] = 'tag'; if($featuredIds = $data['category']->featured) { $data['categoryFeatured'] = Timber::get_posts($featuredIds); $exclusion = self::updateExclusionList($data['categoryFeatured'], $exclusion); } $posts = $data['category']->get_posts([ 'posts_per_page' => $perPage, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'offset' => ($perPage*$page) + 4, 'post__not_in' => $exclusion, ]); $data['posts'] = $posts; Timber::render('partials/post/grid.twig', $data); exit(); } static function updateExclusionList($original, $exclusion) { foreach($original as $post) { if($post) { array_push($exclusion, $post->id); } } return $exclusion; } } ?>

WPPRES-6: Custom Search Terms

This example was taken from YAC when it was required to search for a CPT ID and then use it to get some post ids returned with the latest meta data values.

// from functions > search_term.php global $wpdb; $park_ids = []; $meta_arrays = []; $posts_park = []; if (strlen($search_term) > 3) { $park_post_type='parks'; $park_post_status='publish'; // get the park ids that relate to the search $park_args = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WP WHERE WP.post_title LIKE '%%%s%%' AND post_type='%s' AND post_status='%s' ", esc_sql($search_term), esc_sql($park_post_type), esc_sql($park_post_status) ) ); $park_ids = $park_args; if ($park_ids != null ) { $park_ids = esc_sql( $park_ids ); $park_ids_str = "'[^0-9]*" . implode( "[^0-9]*'|'[^0-9]*", $park_ids ) . "[^0-9]*'"; $park = 'park'; //find the parks $init_park = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT WP.ID FROM $wpdb->posts WP INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta PM ON ( WP.ID = PM.post_id ) WHERE 1=1 AND ( ( PM.meta_key = %s AND PM.meta_value REGEXP {$park_ids_str} ) ) AND WP.post_type = 'post' AND (WP.post_status = 'publish') GROUP BY WP.ID ORDER BY WP.post_title DESC, WP.post_date DESC ", esc_sql($park) ) ); // grab post results to allow metadata // comparison for park $results = Timber::get_posts($init_park); // filter the results to ensure posts are associated with // the latest and correct `park` value if ($results) { foreach ($results as $result) { if (array_intersect($result->custom['park'], $park_ids)) { $posts_park[] = $result->id; } } } } }



