
Getting Started

kubectl: Install via brew minikube: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases kops: Install via brew

Minikube test commands:

minikube status # check status minikube start # start cluster

For OSX install:

curl -Lo minikube https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/v0.25.0/minikube-darwin-amd64 && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/

Install Docker Edge to use the latest features with Kubernetes.

Otherwise follow the base instructions to get everything up and going.


This resolves DL issue: mv minikube-v0.25.1.iso ~/.minikube/cache/iso/minikube-v0.25.1.iso.

Procedure Document

Kubernetes Procedure Document Github repository [Read this first] Download all the course material from: https://github.com/wardviaene/kubernetes-course Questions? Send me a message Use Q&A Join our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/840062592768074/ Download Kubectl Linux: https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.6.1/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl MacOS: https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.6.1/bin/darwin/amd64/kubectl Windows: https://github.com/eirslett/kubectl-windows/releases/download/v1.6.3/kubectl.exe Minikube Project URL: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube Latest Release and download instructions: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases VirtualBox: http://www.virtualbox.org Minikube on windows: Download the latest minikube-version.exe Rename the file to minikube.exe and put it in C:\minikube Open a cmd (search for the app cmd or powershell) Run: cd C:\minikube and enter minikube start Test your cluster commands Make sure your cluster is running, you can check with minikube status. If your cluster is not running, enter minikube start first. kubectl run hello-minikube --image=gcr.io/google_containers/echoserver:1.4 --port=8080 kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort minikube service hello-minikube --url <open a browser and go to that url> Kops Project URL https://github.com/kubernetes/kops Free DNS Service Sign up at http://freedns.afraid.org/ Choose for subdomain hosting Enter the AWS nameservers given to you in route53 as nameservers for the subdomain http://www.dot.tk/ provides a free .tk domain name you can use and you can point it to the amazon AWS nameservers ###h2 Namecheap.com often has promotions for tld’s like .co for just a couple of bucks Cluster Commands kops create cluster --name=kubernetes.newtech.academy --state=s3://kops-state-b429b --zones=eu-west-1a --node-count=2 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro --dns-zone=kubernetes.newtech.academy kops update cluster kubernetes.newtech.academy --yes --state=s3://kops-state-b429b kops delete cluster --name kubernetes.newtech.academy --state=s3://kops-state-b429b kops delete cluster --name kubernetes.newtech.academy --state=s3://kops-state-b429b --yes Kubernetes from scratch You can setup your cluster manually from scratch If you’re planning to deploy on AWS / Google / Azure, use the tools that are fit for these platforms If you have an unsupported cloud platform, and you still want Kubernetes, you can install it manually CoreOS + Kubernetes: ###a href="https://coreos.com/kubernetes/docs/latest/getting-started.html">https://coreos.com/kubernetes/docs/latest/getting-started.html Docker You can download Docker Engine for: Windows: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/windows/ MacOS: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/mac/ Linux: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ DevOps box Virtualbox: http://www.virtualbox.org Vagrant: http://www.vagrantup.com DevOps box: https://github.com/wardviaene/devops-box Launch commands (in terminal / cmd / powershell): cd devops-box/ vagrant up Launch commands for a plain ubuntu box: mkdir ubuntu vagrant init ubuntu/xenial64 vagrant up Docker commands Description Command Build image docker build . Build & Tag docker build -t wardviaene/k8s-demo:latest . Tag image docker tag imageid wardviaene/k8s-demo Push image docker push wardviaene/k8s-demo List images docker images List all containers docker ps -a Kubernetes commands Command Description kubectl get pod Get information about all running pods kubectl describe pod `<pod>` Describe one pod kubectl expose pod `<pod>` --port=444 --name=frontend Expose the port of a pod (creates a new service) kubectl port-forward `<pod>` 8080 Port forward the exposed pod port to your local machine kubectl attach `<podname>` -i Attach to the pod kubectl exec `<pod>` -- command Execute a command on the pod kubectl label pods `<pod>` mylabel=awesome Add a new label to a pod kubectl run -i --tty busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- sh Run a shell in a pod - very useful for debugging kubectl get deployments Get information on current deployments kubectl get rs Get information about the replica sets kubectl get pods --show-labels get pods, and also show labels attached to those pods kubectl rollout status deployment/helloworld-deployment Get deployment status kubectl set image deployment/helloworld-deployment k8s-demo=k8s-demo:2 Run k8s-demo with the image label version 2 kubectl edit deployment/helloworld-deployment Edit the deployment object kubectl rollout status deployment/helloworld-deployment Get the status of the rollout kubectl rollout history deployment/helloworld-deployment Get the rollout history kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment Rollback to previous version kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment --to-revision=n Rollback to any version version AWS Commands aws ec2 create-volume --size 10 --region us-east-1 --availability-zone us-east-1a --volume-type gp2 Certificates Creating a new key for a new user: openssl genrsa -out myuser.pem 2048 Creating a certificate request: openssl req -new -key myuser.pem -out myuser-csr.pem -subj "/CN=myuser/O=myteam/" Creating a certificate: openssl x509 -req -in myuser-csr.pem -CA /path/to/kubernetes/ca.crt -CAkey /path/to/kubernetes/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out myuser.crt -days 10000

What is Kubernetes?

Open source orchestration system for Docker.

  • Let's you schedule containers on a cluster of machines
  • You can run multiple containers on one machine
  • You can run long running services (like web apps)
  • K8s will manage the state of these containers
    • Can start the container on specific nodes
    • Will restart a container when it gets killed
    • Can move containers from one node to another node
  • Instead of just running a few docker containers on one host manually, K8s can manage that for you
  • K8 clusters can go to thousands of nodes
  • Other orcherstrators:
    • Docker Swarm
    • Mesos

You can run K8s anywhere:

  • One premise (private)
  • Public
  • Hybrid

It is highly modular and open source. It is also backed by Google.

Containers intro

Container VS VM: No Hypervisor and Guest OS layer.

Containers on Cloud Providers do still use the hypervisor to seperate users.

Docker is the most popular container software. An alternative is rkt.

Benefits? It works in isolation. You ship the binary with all the dependencies and create a closer parity.

Docker makes development teams able to ship faster.

You can run the same image on prem and in the cloud with what should be the same results.

Kubernetes Setup

Something to note is that there are more integrations for certain Cloud Providers like AWS & GCE. Thingsl ike "Volumes" and "External Load Balancers" work only with support Cloud Providers.

Running locally

We can use minikube to spin up a local single machine with a Kubernetes cluster.


Minikube is a tool that makes running k8s locally easy.

It runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a Linux VM.

It's aimed on users who just want to just test it out or use if for development.

It cannot spin up a roduction cluster, it's a one node machine with no high availability.

You need VM to run all this.

To run a cluster, just run minikube start.

To check your config after spinning up Kubernetes, use cat ~/.kube/config.

Running on AWS

Until EKS comes out, we can spin up a Kubernetes cluster using KOPS.

You need to ensure that you download Vagrant and a VM.

For running the Vagrant box, you can run vagrant up --provider virtualbox.

You can then use vagrant ssh to ssh in.

After you are in, download Kops:

curl -LO https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/releases/download/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes/kops/releases/latest | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64 chmod +x kops-linux-amd64 sudo mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops

Ensure that you also download python-pip:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo apt-add-repository universe sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-pip

Then install awscli:

export LC_ALL=C # if run into an error about locale settings sudo pip install awscli

You will then need to create an AWS account.

After setting up the AWSCLI, installing Kops and creating a S3 Bucket + setting up the Route53 Name Servers (on somewhere like NameCheap), you can move on.

Cluster setup on Kops

First, download Kops for Linux on the Vagrant box and move it.

Before creating the cluster, you will need to create new keys. ssh-keygen -f .ssh/id_rsa.

To create the cluster (example), run kops create cluster --name=kubernetes.test --state=s3://kops-state-oeiajrie93 --zones=ap-southeast-2a --node-count=2 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro --dns-zone=givemeyeezy.online

This DNS zone is basically just the one that we set up.

You'll get something back like

I0311 21:48:46.821364 7553 create_cluster.go:439] Inferred --cloud=aws from zone "ap-southeast-2a" I0311 21:48:46.821506 7553 create_cluster.go:971] Using SSH public key: /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa.pub I0311 21:48:48.232635 7553 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet ap-southeast-2a Previewing changes that will be made: I0311 21:48:52.305360 7553 executor.go:91] Tasks: 0 done / 73 total; 31 can run I0311 21:48:53.503124 7553 executor.go:91] Tasks: 31 done / 73 total; 24 can run I0311 21:48:53.958875 7553 executor.go:91] Tasks: 55 done / 73 total; 16 can run I0311 21:48:54.237870 7553 executor.go:91] Tasks: 71 done / 73 total; 2 can run I0311 21:48:54.262347 7553 executor.go:91] Tasks: 73 done / 73 total; 0 can run Will create resources: AutoscalingGroup/master-ap-southeast-2a.masters.kubernetes.test MinSize 1 MaxSize 1 Subnets [name:ap-southeast-2a.kubernetes.test] Tags {k8s.io/role/master: 1, Name: master-ap-southeast-2a.masters.kubernetes.test, KubernetesCluster: kubernetes.test, k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/node-template/label/kops.k8s.io/instancegroup: master-ap-southeast-2a} LaunchConfiguration name:master-ap-southeast-2a.masters.kubernetes.test AutoscalingGroup/nodes.kubernetes.test MinSize 2 MaxSize 2 Subnets [name:ap-southeast-2a.kubernetes.test] Tags {k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/node-template/label/kops.k8s.io/instancegroup: nodes, k8s.io/role/node: 1, Name: nodes.kubernetes.test, KubernetesCluster: kubernetes.test} LaunchConfiguration name:nodes.kubernetes.test DHCPOptions/kubernetes.test DomainName ap-southeast-2.compute.internal DomainNameServers AmazonProvidedDNS EBSVolume/a.etcd-events.kubernetes.test AvailabilityZone ap-southeast-2a VolumeType gp2 SizeGB 20 Encrypted false Tags {KubernetesCluster: kubernetes.test, k8s.io/etcd/events: a/a, k8s.io/role/master: 1, Name: a.etcd-events.kubernetes.test} EBSVolume/a.etcd-main.kubernetes.test AvailabilityZone ap-southeast-2a VolumeType gp2 SizeGB 20 Encrypted false Tags {k8s.io/etcd/main: a/a, k8s.io/role/master: 1, Name: a.etcd-main.kubernetes.test, KubernetesCluster: kubernetes.test} IAMInstanceProfile/masters.kubernetes.test IAMInstanceProfile/nodes.kubernetes.test IAMInstanceProfileRole/masters.kubernetes.test InstanceProfile name:masters.kubernetes.test id:masters.kubernetes.test Role name:masters.kubernetes.test IAMInstanceProfileRole/nodes.kubernetes.test InstanceProfile name:nodes.kubernetes.test id:nodes.kubernetes.test Role name:nodes.kubernetes.test IAMRole/masters.kubernetes.test ExportWithID masters IAMRole/nodes.kubernetes.test ExportWithID nodes IAMRolePolicy/masters.kubernetes.test Role name:masters.kubernetes.test IAMRolePolicy/nodes.kubernetes.test Role name:nodes.kubernetes.test InternetGateway/kubernetes.test VPC name:kubernetes.test Shared false Keypair/apiserver-aggregator Subject cn=aggregator Type client Signer name:apiserver-aggregator-ca id:cn=apiserver-aggregator-ca Keypair/apiserver-aggregator-ca Subject cn=apiserver-aggregator-ca Type ca Keypair/apiserver-proxy-client Subject cn=apiserver-proxy-client Type client Signer name:ca id:cn=kubernetes Keypair/ca Subject cn=kubernetes Type ca Keypair/kops Subject o=system:masters,cn=kops Type client Signer name:ca id:cn=kubernetes Keypair/kube-controller-manager Subject cn=system:kube-controller-manager Type client Signer name:ca id:cn=kubernetes Keypair/kube-proxy Subject cn=system:kube-proxy Type client Signer name:ca id:cn=kubernetes Keypair/kube-scheduler Subject cn=system:kube-scheduler Type client Signer name:ca id:cn=kubernetes Keypair/kubecfg Subject o=system:masters,cn=kubecfg Type client Signer name:ca id:cn=kubernetes Keypair/kubelet Subject o=system:nodes,cn=kubelet Type client Signer name:ca id:cn=kubernetes Keypair/kubelet-api Subject cn=kubelet-api Type client Signer name:ca id:cn=kubernetes Keypair/master Subject cn=kubernetes-master Type server AlternateNames [,, api.internal.kubernetes.test, api.kubernetes.test, kubernetes, kubernetes.default, kubernetes.default.svc, kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local] Signer name:ca id:cn=kubernetes LaunchConfiguration/master-ap-southeast-2a.masters.kubernetes.test ImageID kope.io/k8s-1.8-debian-jessie-amd64-hvm-ebs-2018-01-14 InstanceType t2.micro SSHKey name:kubernetes.kubernetes.test-e8:be:8d:cf:90:3b:52:6e:f7:23:29:0a:32:d1:cd:de id:kubernetes.kubernetes.test-e8:be:8d:cf:90:3b:52:6e:f7:23:29:0a:32:d1:cd:de SecurityGroups [name:masters.kubernetes.test] AssociatePublicIP true IAMInstanceProfile name:masters.kubernetes.test id:masters.kubernetes.test RootVolumeSize 64 RootVolumeType gp2 SpotPrice LaunchConfiguration/nodes.kubernetes.test ImageID kope.io/k8s-1.8-debian-jessie-amd64-hvm-ebs-2018-01-14 InstanceType t2.micro SSHKey name:kubernetes.kubernetes.test-e8:be:8d:cf:90:3b:52:6e:f7:23:29:0a:32:d1:cd:de id:kubernetes.kubernetes.test-e8:be:8d:cf:90:3b:52:6e:f7:23:29:0a:32:d1:cd:de SecurityGroups [name:nodes.kubernetes.test] AssociatePublicIP true IAMInstanceProfile name:nodes.kubernetes.test id:nodes.kubernetes.test RootVolumeSize 128 RootVolumeType gp2 SpotPrice ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-bootstrap Location addons/bootstrap-channel.yaml ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-core.addons.k8s.io Location addons/core.addons.k8s.io/v1.4.0.yaml ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-dns-controller.addons.k8s.io-k8s-1.6 Location addons/dns-controller.addons.k8s.io/k8s-1.6.yaml ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-dns-controller.addons.k8s.io-pre-k8s-1.6 Location addons/dns-controller.addons.k8s.io/pre-k8s-1.6.yaml ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-kube-dns.addons.k8s.io-k8s-1.6 Location addons/kube-dns.addons.k8s.io/k8s-1.6.yaml ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-kube-dns.addons.k8s.io-pre-k8s-1.6 Location addons/kube-dns.addons.k8s.io/pre-k8s-1.6.yaml ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-limit-range.addons.k8s.io Location addons/limit-range.addons.k8s.io/v1.5.0.yaml ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-rbac.addons.k8s.io-k8s-1.8 Location addons/rbac.addons.k8s.io/k8s-1.8.yaml ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-storage-aws.addons.k8s.io-v1.6.0 Location addons/storage-aws.addons.k8s.io/v1.6.0.yaml ManagedFile/kubernetes.test-addons-storage-aws.addons.k8s.io-v1.7.0 Location addons/storage-aws.addons.k8s.io/v1.7.0.yaml Route/ RouteTable name:kubernetes.test CIDR InternetGateway name:kubernetes.test RouteTable/kubernetes.test VPC name:kubernetes.test RouteTableAssociation/ap-southeast-2a.kubernetes.test RouteTable name:kubernetes.test Subnet name:ap-southeast-2a.kubernetes.test SSHKey/kubernetes.kubernetes.test-e8:be:8d:cf:90:3b:52:6e:f7:23:29:0a:32:d1:cd:de KeyFingerprint c4:89:af:59:a1:1d:6e:ef:7a:9d:12:65:bc:e2:82:4f Secret/admin Secret/kube Secret/kube-proxy Secret/kubelet Secret/system:controller_manager Secret/system:dns Secret/system:logging Secret/system:monitoring Secret/system:scheduler SecurityGroup/masters.kubernetes.test Description Security group for masters VPC name:kubernetes.test RemoveExtraRules [port=22, port=443, port=2380, port=2381, port=4001, port=4002, port=4789, port=179] SecurityGroup/nodes.kubernetes.test Description Security group for nodes VPC name:kubernetes.test RemoveExtraRules [port=22] SecurityGroupRule/all-master-to-master SecurityGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test SourceGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test SecurityGroupRule/all-master-to-node SecurityGroup name:nodes.kubernetes.test SourceGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test SecurityGroupRule/all-node-to-node SecurityGroup name:nodes.kubernetes.test SourceGroup name:nodes.kubernetes.test SecurityGroupRule/https-external-to-master- SecurityGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test CIDR Protocol tcp FromPort 443 ToPort 443 SecurityGroupRule/master-egress SecurityGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test CIDR Egress true SecurityGroupRule/node-egress SecurityGroup name:nodes.kubernetes.test CIDR Egress true SecurityGroupRule/node-to-master-tcp-1-2379 SecurityGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test Protocol tcp FromPort 1 ToPort 2379 SourceGroup name:nodes.kubernetes.test SecurityGroupRule/node-to-master-tcp-2382-4000 SecurityGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test Protocol tcp FromPort 2382 ToPort 4000 SourceGroup name:nodes.kubernetes.test SecurityGroupRule/node-to-master-tcp-4003-65535 SecurityGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test Protocol tcp FromPort 4003 ToPort 65535 SourceGroup name:nodes.kubernetes.test SecurityGroupRule/node-to-master-udp-1-65535 SecurityGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test Protocol udp FromPort 1 ToPort 65535 SourceGroup name:nodes.kubernetes.test SecurityGroupRule/ssh-external-to-master- SecurityGroup name:masters.kubernetes.test CIDR Protocol tcp FromPort 22 ToPort 22 SecurityGroupRule/ssh-external-to-node- SecurityGroup name:nodes.kubernetes.test CIDR Protocol tcp FromPort 22 ToPort 22 Subnet/ap-southeast-2a.kubernetes.test VPC name:kubernetes.test AvailabilityZone ap-southeast-2a CIDR Shared false Tags {Name: ap-southeast-2a.kubernetes.test, KubernetesCluster: kubernetes.test, kubernetes.io/cluster/kubernetes.test: owned, kubernetes.io/role/elb: 1} VPC/kubernetes.test CIDR EnableDNSHostnames true EnableDNSSupport true Shared false Tags {Name: kubernetes.test, KubernetesCluster: kubernetes.test, kubernetes.io/cluster/kubernetes.test: owned} VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation/kubernetes.test VPC name:kubernetes.test DHCPOptions name:kubernetes.test Must specify --yes to apply changes Cluster configuration has been created. Suggestions: * list clusters with: kops get cluster * edit this cluster with: kops edit cluster kubernetes.test * edit your node instance group: kops edit ig --name=kubernetes.test nodes * edit your master instance group: kops edit ig --name=kubernetes.test master-ap-southeast-2a Finally configure your cluster with: kops update cluster kubernetes.test --yes

To edit the cluster, run kops edit cluster kubernetes.test --state=s3://kops-state-oeiajrie93 and then to update run kops update cluster kubernetes.test --yes --state=s3://kops-state-oeiajrie93

If we now run cat ~/.kube/config we can see the password and username information needed.

To check if the nodes are up, run kubectl get node.

Then, we can again run kubectl run hello-minikube ...

If you have issues hit up https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-time-synchronization-on-ubuntu-16-04 for date syncing.

KOPS QuickList

# create kops create cluster --name=doksandbox.com --state=s3://kops-state-doksandbox --zones=ap-southeast-2a --node-count=1 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro --dns-zone=doksandbox.com # edit kops edit cluster doksandbox.com --state=s3://kops-state-doksandbox # update kops update cluster doksandbox.com --yes --state=s3://kops-state-doksandbox # delete kops delete cluster doksandbox.com --yes --state=s3://kops-state-doksandbox # suggestions kops validate cluster --state=s3://kops-state-doksandbox # validate cluster kubectl get nodes --show-labels # list nodes ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa admin@api.kubernetes.doksandbox.com # ssh to the master The admin user is specific to Debian. If not using Debian please use the appropriate user based on your OS. # check DNS dig afxr doksandbox.com

To get a basic service up and running, hit kubectl run hello-minikube --image=gcr.io/google_containers/echoserver:1.4 --port=8080 and head to the VPC security network to update and expose that port to all IPs to prove that is all works correctly. The port will be dynamic.

Building Docker Containers

If installing onto Linux, check https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#install-docker-ce-1

To do a demo, sudo apt-get install git and git clone https://github.com/wardviaene/docker-demo to get a demo folder.

Change in, sudo docker build . and then to run the container use docker run -p 3000:3000 -t <id>

Docker registery

To upload to the registry:

docker login # fill in login details docker tag imageid okeeffed/docker-demo docker push okeeffed/docker-demo

There are a few limitations for each Docker/Kubernetes relationship:

  1. Don't try to create one giant docker image fo you app, but split it up if necessary.
  2. All data in the container is not preserved. You need volumes for this.
  3. Check 12factor.net for methodologies

Running the Docker app on Kubernetes

We need to create a pod definition.

This describes an application running on Kubernetes.

A pod can container one or more tightly coupled containers that make up the app.

Those apps can easily communicate with each other using their local port numbers.

The app for us at the moment has only one container.

To build this, we create a podfile with all the pod definition:

# pod-helloworld.yml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: nodehelloworld.example.com labels: app: helloworld spec: containers: - name: k8s-demo image: okeeffed/docker-demo ports: - containerPort: 3000

To create this pod, we run kubectl create -f ./pod-helloworld.yml

Some useful commands

kubectl get podGet info about all running pods
kubectl describe pod <pod>Describe one pod
kubectl expose pod <pod> --port=444 --name=frontendExpose the port of a pod (creates a new service)
kubectl port-forward <pod> 8080Port forward the local machine
kubectl attach <podname> -iAttach to pod
kubectl exec <pod> -- commandExecute a command on the pod
kubectl label pods <pod> mylabel=awesomeAdd new label to pod
kubectl run -i -tty busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- shRun a shell in a pod - very useful for debugging

How to port-forward

Running kubectl describe pod nodehelloworld.example.com will then give us info on what is going on here.

To listen locally, we can port-forward: kubectl port-forward nodehelloworld.example.com 8081:3000

Exposing the pod

kubectl expose pod nodehelloworld.example.com --type=NodePort --name nodehelloworld-service

Check this with kubectl get service

When you see what port is being forwarded, you can again open that up on the security settings and direct to that port.

Setting up the external load balancer

This will allow the outside world to have traffic routed to the correct pod.

To create the service for this:

apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: helloworld-service spec: ports: - port: 80 targetPort: nodejs-port protocol: TCP selector: app: helloworld type: LoadBalancer

Using kubectl create -f <file> will create the pods and kops will autoconfigure what is required.