
jQuery Cheat Sheet

JQ-1: Core

//jQuery function $.jQuery( selector [, context] | element | elementArray | jQueryObject ), .jQuery( ) $.jQuery( html [, owner] | html, props ) $.jQuery( fn ) def.when(deferreds) fnjQuery.sub( ) $.holdReady( hold ) // jQuery Object Accessors $.each( fn(index, element) ) num.size( ), .length str.selector el.context $.eq( index ) jQuery.error( str ) [el],el.get( [index] ) num.index( ), .index( selector | element ) $jQuery.pushStack( elements, [name, args] ) arr.toArray( ) //Interoperability $jQuery.noConflict( [extreme] )

JQ-2: jQuery Attributes

// Attributes str.attr( name | name , value ) $.attr( name, val | map | name, fn(index, attr) ) $.removeAttr( name ) $.prop( name ) $.removeProp( name ) // Class $.addClass( class | fn(index, class) ) bool.hasClass( class ) $.removeClass( [class] | fn(index, class) ) $.toggleClass( class [, switch] | fn(index, class) [, switch] ) // HTML, text str.html( ) $.html( val | fn(index, html) ) str.text( ) $.text( val | fn(index, html) ) // Value str,arr.val( ) $.val( val | fn() )

JQ-3: jQuery Selectors

JQ-4: Basics

#id element .class, .class.class

  • selector1, selector2 Hierarchy ancestor descendant parent > child prev + next prev ~ siblings

JQ-5: Basic Filters

:first :last :not(selector) :even :odd :eq(index) :gt(index) :lt(index) :header :animated :focus

JQ-6: Content Filters

:contains(text) :empty :has(selector) :parent

JQ-7: Visibility Filters

:hidden :visible

JQ-8: Child Filters

:nth-child(expr) :first-child :last-child :only-child

JQ-9: Attribute Filters

[attribute][attribute=value] [attribute!=value][attribute^=value] [attribute$=value][attribute*=value] [attribute|=value][attribute~=value] [attribute][attribute2]

JQ-10: Forms

:input :text :password :radio :checkbox :submit :image :reset :button :file

JQ-11: Form Filters

:enabled :disabled :checked :selected

JQ-12: jQuery Traversing

JQ-13: Filtering

$.eq( index ) $.first( ) $.last( ) $.has( selector ), .has( element ) $.filter( selector ), .filter( fn(index) ) bool.is( selector | function(index) | jQuery object | element )1.7* $.map( fn(index, element) ) $.not( selector ), .not( elements ), .not( fn( index ) ) $.slice( start [, end] )

JQ-14: Tree traversal

$.children( [selector] ) $.closest( selector [, context] | jQuery object | element ) arr.closest( selectors [, context] )removed $.find( selector | jQuery object | element ) $.next( [selector] ) $.nextAll( [selector] ) $.nextUntil( [selector] ) $.offsetParent( ) $.parent( [selector] ) $.parents( [selector] ) $.parentsUntil( [selector] ) $.prev( [selector] ) $.prevAll( [selector] ) $.prevUntil( [selector] ) $.siblings( [selector] )

JQ-15: Miscellaneous

$.add( selector [, context] | elements | html ) $.andSelf( ) $.contents( ) $.end( )

JQ-16: jQuery Ajax


JQ-17: jQuery CSS

JQ-18: CSS

str.css( name ) $.css( name, val | map | name, fn(index, val) )

JQ-19: Positioning

obj.offset( )

$.offset( coord | fn( index, coord ) ) $.offsetParent( )

obj.position( )

int.scrollTop( ) $.scrollTop( val )

int.scrollLeft( ) $.scrollLeft( val )

JQ-20: Height and Width

int.height( ) $.height( val | fn(index, height ) )

int.width( ) $.width( val | fn(index, height ) )

int.innerHeight( ) int.innerWidth( )

int.outerHeight( [includeMargin] ) $.outerHeight( val | fn(index, outerHeight ) ) 1.8+

int.outerWidth( [includeMargin] ) $.outerWidth( val | fn(index, outerWidth ) ) 1.8+

JQ-21: jQuery Manipulation

JQ-22: Inserting Inside

$.append( content | fn( index, html ) ) $.appendTo( target ) $.prepend( content | fn( index, html ) ) $.prependTo( target )

JQ-23: Inserting Outside

$.after( content | fn() ) $.before( content | fn() ) $.insertAfter( target ) $.insertBefore( target )

JQ-24: Inserting Around

$.unwrap( ) $.wrap( wrappingElement | fn ) $.wrapAll( wrappingElement | fn ) $.wrapInner( wrappingElement | fn )

JQ-25: Replacing

$.replaceWith( content | fn ) $.replaceAll( selector )

JQ-26: Removing

$.detach( [selector] ) $.empty( ) $.remove( [selector] )

JQ-27: Copying

$.clone( [withDataAndEvents], [deepWithDataAndEvents] )

JQ-28: jQuery Events

JQ-29: Events

JQ-30: Page Load

$.ready( fn() )

JQ-31: Event Handling

$.on( events [, selector][, data], handler )1.7+ $.on( events-map [, selector][, data] )1.7+ $.off( events [, selector][, handler] )1.7+ $.off( events-map [, selector] )1.7+ $.bind( type [, data ], fn(eventObj) ) $.bind( type [, data], false ) $.bind( array ) $.unbind( [type][, fn]) $.one( type [, data ], fn(eventObj) ) $.trigger( event [, data]) obj.triggerHandler( event [, data]) $.delegate( selector, type, [data], handler) $.undelegate( [selector, type, [handler]]) | selector, events | namespace )

JQ-32: Live Events

$.live( eventType [, data], fn() ) $.die( ), .die( [eventType][, fn() ])

JQ-33: Interaction Helpers

$.hover( fnIn(eventObj), fnOut(eventObj)) $.toggle( fn(eventObj), fn2(eventObj) [, ...])

JQ-34: Event Helpers

function ( [data,][fn] ) $.blur, .mousedown, .change, .mouseenter, .click, .mouseleave, .dblclick, .mousemove, .error, .mouseout, .focus, .mouseover, .focusin, .mouseup, .focusout, .resize, .keydown, .scroll, .keypress, .select, .keyup, .submit, .load( [data,] fn ), .unload( [data,] fn )

JQ-35: jQuery Effects

JQ-36: Effect Basics

$.show( [ duration [, easing][, fn] ] ) $.hide( [ duration [, easing][, fn] ] ) $.toggle( [showOrHide] ) $.toggle( duration [, easing][, fn] )

JQ-37: Sliding

$.slideDown( duration [, easing][, fn] ) $.slideUp( duration [, easing][, fn] ) $.slideToggle( [duration][, easing] [, fn] )

JQ-38: Fading

$.fadeIn( duration [, easing][, fn] ) $.fadeOut( duration [, easing][, fn] ) $.fadeTo( [duration,] opacity [, easing][, fn] ) $.fadeToggle( [duration,][, easing] [, fn] )

JQ-39: Custom

$.animate( params [, duration][, easing] [, fn] ) $.animate( params, options ) $.stop( [queue][, clearQueue] [, jumpToEnd] )1.7* $.delay( duration [, queueName] )

JQ-40: jQuery FAQ

JQ-41: Example - How to target something within an anchor tag

In the bottom example from NPWS YAC, we are targeting a div within an anchor tag that will allow us to open a map. That being said, we do not want the anchor tag to activate in this example, so we use the e.target capability to find whether or not we are targeting what we want, and if not - we ensure the href doesn't activate.

$('.hero .toggle').on('click', function (e) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('geolocation')) { console.log('here'); map.$elem.toggleClass('-active').one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function () { if (!map.map) { map.initMap(); } }); if ($('html').hasClass('ie9') || $('html').hasClass('lt-ie9')) { if (!map.map) { map.initMap(); } } if (map.$elem.hasClass('-active')) { map.$toggle.text('Close the map'); } else { map.$toggle.text('View the ' + map.title + ' map'); } return false; } else { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().toggleClass('-active'); } });

JQ-42: Wait for a transition to finish

/* ================================= Load JavaScript after Transition ==================================== */ map.$elem.toggleClass('-active').one("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function () { if (!map.map) { map.initMap(); } });