//jQuery function $.jQuery( selector [, context] | element | elementArray | jQueryObject ), .jQuery( ) $.jQuery( html [, owner] | html, props ) $.jQuery( fn ) def.when(deferreds) fnjQuery.sub( ) $.holdReady( hold ) // jQuery Object Accessors $.each( fn(index, element) ) num.size( ), .length str.selector el.context $.eq( index ) jQuery.error( str ) [el],el.get( [index] ) num.index( ), .index( selector | element ) $jQuery.pushStack( elements, [name, args] ) arr.toArray( ) //Interoperability $jQuery.noConflict( [extreme] )
// Attributes str.attr( name | name , value ) $.attr( name, val | map | name, fn(index, attr) ) $.removeAttr( name ) $.prop( name ) $.removeProp( name ) // Class $.addClass( class | fn(index, class) ) bool.hasClass( class ) $.removeClass( [class] | fn(index, class) ) $.toggleClass( class [, switch] | fn(index, class) [, switch] ) // HTML, text str.html( ) $.html( val | fn(index, html) ) str.text( ) $.text( val | fn(index, html) ) // Value str,arr.val( ) $.val( val | fn() )
#id element .class, .class.class
:first :last :not(selector) :even :odd :eq(index) :gt(index) :lt(index) :header :animated :focus
:contains(text) :empty :has(selector) :parent
:hidden :visible
:nth-child(expr) :first-child :last-child :only-child
[attribute][attribute=value] [attribute!=value][attribute^=value] [attribute$=value][attribute*=value] [attribute|=value][attribute~=value] [attribute][attribute2]
:input :text :password :radio :checkbox :submit :image :reset :button :file
:enabled :disabled :checked :selected
$.eq( index ) $.first( ) $.last( ) $.has( selector ), .has( element ) $.filter( selector ), .filter( fn(index) ) bool.is( selector | function(index) | jQuery object | element )1.7* $.map( fn(index, element) ) $.not( selector ), .not( elements ), .not( fn( index ) ) $.slice( start [, end] )
$.children( [selector] ) $.closest( selector [, context] | jQuery object | element ) arr.closest( selectors [, context] )removed $.find( selector | jQuery object | element ) $.next( [selector] ) $.nextAll( [selector] ) $.nextUntil( [selector] ) $.offsetParent( ) $.parent( [selector] ) $.parents( [selector] ) $.parentsUntil( [selector] ) $.prev( [selector] ) $.prevAll( [selector] ) $.prevUntil( [selector] ) $.siblings( [selector] )
$.add( selector [, context] | elements | html ) $.andSelf( ) $.contents( ) $.end( )
str.css( name ) $.css( name, val | map | name, fn(index, val) )
obj.offset( )
$.offset( coord | fn( index, coord ) ) $.offsetParent( )
obj.position( )
int.scrollTop( ) $.scrollTop( val )
int.scrollLeft( ) $.scrollLeft( val )
int.height( ) $.height( val | fn(index, height ) )
int.width( ) $.width( val | fn(index, height ) )
int.innerHeight( ) int.innerWidth( )
int.outerHeight( [includeMargin] ) $.outerHeight( val | fn(index, outerHeight ) ) 1.8+
int.outerWidth( [includeMargin] ) $.outerWidth( val | fn(index, outerWidth ) ) 1.8+
$.append( content | fn( index, html ) ) $.appendTo( target ) $.prepend( content | fn( index, html ) ) $.prependTo( target )
$.after( content | fn() ) $.before( content | fn() ) $.insertAfter( target ) $.insertBefore( target )
$.unwrap( ) $.wrap( wrappingElement | fn ) $.wrapAll( wrappingElement | fn ) $.wrapInner( wrappingElement | fn )
$.replaceWith( content | fn ) $.replaceAll( selector )
$.detach( [selector] ) $.empty( ) $.remove( [selector] )
$.clone( [withDataAndEvents], [deepWithDataAndEvents] )
$.ready( fn() )
$.on( events [, selector][, data], handler )1.7+ $.on( events-map [, selector][, data] )1.7+ $.off( events [, selector][, handler] )1.7+ $.off( events-map [, selector] )1.7+ $.bind( type [, data ], fn(eventObj) ) $.bind( type [, data], false ) $.bind( array ) $.unbind( [type][, fn]) $.one( type [, data ], fn(eventObj) ) $.trigger( event [, data]) obj.triggerHandler( event [, data]) $.delegate( selector, type, [data], handler) $.undelegate( [selector, type, [handler]]) | selector, events | namespace )
$.live( eventType [, data], fn() ) $.die( ), .die( [eventType][, fn() ])
$.hover( fnIn(eventObj), fnOut(eventObj)) $.toggle( fn(eventObj), fn2(eventObj) [, ...])
function ( [data,][fn] ) $.blur, .mousedown, .change, .mouseenter, .click, .mouseleave, .dblclick, .mousemove, .error, .mouseout, .focus, .mouseover, .focusin, .mouseup, .focusout, .resize, .keydown, .scroll, .keypress, .select, .keyup, .submit, .load( [data,] fn ), .unload( [data,] fn )
$.show( [ duration [, easing][, fn] ] ) $.hide( [ duration [, easing][, fn] ] ) $.toggle( [showOrHide] ) $.toggle( duration [, easing][, fn] )
$.slideDown( duration [, easing][, fn] ) $.slideUp( duration [, easing][, fn] ) $.slideToggle( [duration][, easing] [, fn] )
$.fadeIn( duration [, easing][, fn] ) $.fadeOut( duration [, easing][, fn] ) $.fadeTo( [duration,] opacity [, easing][, fn] ) $.fadeToggle( [duration,][, easing] [, fn] )
$.animate( params [, duration][, easing] [, fn] ) $.animate( params, options ) $.stop( [queue][, clearQueue] [, jumpToEnd] )1.7* $.delay( duration [, queueName] )
In the bottom example from NPWS YAC, we are targeting a div within an anchor tag that will allow us to open a map. That being said, we do not want the anchor tag to activate in this example, so we use the e.target
capability to find whether or not we are targeting what we want, and if not - we ensure the href doesn't activate.
$('.hero .toggle').on('click', function (e) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('geolocation')) { console.log('here'); map.$elem.toggleClass('-active').one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function () { if (!map.map) { map.initMap(); } }); if ($('html').hasClass('ie9') || $('html').hasClass('lt-ie9')) { if (!map.map) { map.initMap(); } } if (map.$elem.hasClass('-active')) { map.$toggle.text('Close the map'); } else { map.$toggle.text('View the ' + map.title + ' map'); } return false; } else { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().toggleClass('-active'); } });
/* ================================= Load JavaScript after Transition ==================================== */ map.$elem.toggleClass('-active').one("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function () { if (!map.map) { map.initMap(); } });