

Getting Started with Laravel

Installing VirtualBox, Homestead & Vagrant

  1. Download VirtualBox for your OS from their website
  2. Download Vagrant for your OS from their website
  3. Use a command to install install Homestead

vagrant box add laravel/homestead

In a shell, check that you have SSH.

cd ~ ls -la # check for .ssh

If not, you can generate a key.

In terminal:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "youremail@email.com".

There is also a great guide on GitHub.


Init the Homestead.yaml file

bash init.sh

In ~/Homestead, alter the Homestead.yaml file.

  1. Replace "me" with the User
  2. Under "folders" where it has the map and to, change the to direction to have .../Sites if you don't want the default and to follow along with TH.

Sites we can change to anything. Eg. laravel.dev

Ensure sites is okay too and that the Sites/<here>/<here> is laravel-basics/public

Run the Vagrant Up command in terminal vagrant up

If there is a host issue, change the Homestead.yaml host.

Getting into the box

Connect via SSH

run vagrant ssh

Install Laravel

Ensure composer is installed on your external SSH OS.

Run composer global require "laravel/installer"

Composer Create-Project

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel-basics


laravel new laravel-basics

Note laravel-basics can be swapped for anything.

Run pwd and check this against what you have in ~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml

Then jump to the site ( to see if it is running successfully.

To get rid of the, we can change it to another host.

cd /etc from the Homestead file and adjust the hosts file in a text editor to make the website easier to navigate to.

Laravel Folder Structure

Project Setup

Laravel Controllers

Laravel and Databases

Blade and Forms

Validation & Flash Messages

Continuing CRUD

Relating Data



