
Mastering Chrome Dev Tools v2


  1. FE Masters Course
  2. Course Slides
  3. Chrome Dev Tools documentation
  4. CSS SpeciFISHity
  5. Chrome Tools Network Reference
  6. PWA Checklist
  7. Webpage test
  8. Webhint.io
  9. Memory leak practice site
  10. Paint flashing test site
  11. MDN Perf measure
  12. MDN Perf mark
  13. MDN Perf getEntriesByType
  14. Chrome Dev Tools - Evaluate Performance

History of Debugging

  • In history, there was only really access source.
  • No consoles.
  • No JSON.stringify to help with alerts
  • Live DOM viewer

Developer Tool Panels

The tools panels are as follows:

ElementsDisplays the DOM + computer styles, event listeners etc.
ConsoleUsed for logs sent to the console + REPL.
Sources"Think of it like your text editor". Has debugger.
NetworkShows the waterfall of any HTTP request the browser makes.
PerformanceTimed performance recording.
MemoryAllows you to do snapshots of memory.
ApplicationShows storage + cache.
SecurityOverview on potential security issues.
AuditsUses Lighthouse through a suite of tests.

If you option click the DOM tree, it opens all the children.


  • Shows DOM and allows you to edit.
  • Edit CSS in place.
  • Offline, low-end etc mode.
  • Device emulation.
  • CSS colour enables you to save different color palettes and find the preset colour palette.
  • Right-click an element in the DOM gives you the ability to scroll the elemment in the view.
  • Synthetic states can be used to know pseudo selectors.
  • You can shift click colours to cycle through different formats.
  • Move elements around the DOM tree.
  • You can add DOM breakpoints to help understand what is going on. This will move us into the sources tab.

There was a specificity website to see CSS specifity in action.


  • Can try un-minify the minified code.
  • You can add DOM breakpoints to help understand what is going on.
  • You can save changes to disk! You can add folders to the workspace and it will try map files being served to those from your folder. Styles can persist, DOM will not.

Cool tibit - Cmd + Shift + P opens a command input, while in sources cmd + P opens a search to go through your files.


Step Through Debugging

In the example, the debugger keyword is inserted into a file under the Sources tab that can be used to force a breakpoint.

When a break point is triggered, it shows you the current Call Stack, Scope and more.

There are navigation options for stepping over things.

Debugging SectionDoes
WatchShows the variables you are watching in real time.
Call StackShows the JS call stack for how you got there.
ScopeShows all vars in scope (including global).
BreakpointsLists all breakpoints you have.
XHR/fetch BreakpointsThis can stop when a URL set is called to.
DOM BreakpointsAdding breakpoints based on the DOM.
Global ListenersTODO
Event Listener BreakpointsAdding breakpoints based on events.

How the Debugger stepping works:

ContinueResume script execution.
Step overStepping through code.
Step intoMove into the function the BP is on.
Step out ofMove BP back to parent that called step into.
StepA single step. Over or into if it is a func.

You can also blackbox a script to ensure things do not show in the Call Stack debugger.

In the example run, we are adding variables to the watch value in source and watching them change.


This is a general overview of the status, type, initiator, size etc.

There are also filters to check file type, XHR request etc.

Hold the shift key will show you which file called it. Initiators are green, while dependencies are red. See the network reference.

Network Timing

QueueingThe browser queued the request.
StalledThe request could be stalled for any of the reasons described in Queueing.
DNS LookupThe browser is resolving the request's IP address.
Proxy negotiationThe browser is negotiating the request with a proxy server.
Request sentThe request is being sent.
ServiceWorker PreparationThe browser is starting up the service worker.
Request to ServiceWorkerThe request is being sent to the service worker.
Waiting (TTFB)The browser is waiting for the first byte of a response.
Content DownloadThe browser is receiving the response.
Receiving PushThe browser is receiving data for this response via HTTP/2 Server Push.
Reading PushThe browser is reading the local data previously received.

TTFB stands for Time To First Byte. This timing includes 1 round trip of latency and the time the server took to prepare the response.


A request being queued indicates:

  1. The req was postponed by the rendering engine beacuse it's considered lower priority than critical resources (ie scripts, styles). Often happens with images.
  2. The req was put on hold to wait for an unavailable TCP sockets that's about to free up.
  3. Req put on hold because the browser only allows six TCP connections per origin on HTTP 1.
  4. Time spent making disk cache entries (typically very quick).


You can enable capture screenshots (using the "camera" icon on the Network tab) which will show all the repaints as they happen.

You can also use filters in the search input ie larger-than: 100kb to filter out certain network requests.


Begins with importance on speed decrease and adverse affect to large companies.

Auditing resources:

The auditing tab itself uses lighthouse to check SEO, a11y etc.

Check Lighthouse for more information, but there has been a lot of work on the metrics and opportunities.

Another great website shown was Webhinto.io (Sonarwhal) which gives some great depth on things as well.

Node.js Profiling

There are some more in-depth notes under the JavaScript Performance note set.

Using node --inspect path/to/file we can use a Node.js icon on the Chrome dev tools that gives you some capabilities as well!

To scroll in the Node.js profiler, you need to shift + scroll.

Do the profiling as quick as possible in order to be able to drill down without too many hassles.

Performance Monitoring

Using the Performance API to measure metrics.

We can use mark and measure.

function usePerformanceEntryMethods() { log('PerformanceEntry tests ...'); if (performance.mark === undefined) { log('... performance.mark Not supported'); return; } // Create some performance entries via the mark() method performance.mark('Begin'); doWork(50000); performance.mark('End'); performance.mark('Begin'); doWork(100000); performance.mark('End'); doWork(200000); performance.mark('End'); // Use getEntries() to iterate through the each entry var p = performance.getEntries(); for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { log('Entry[' + i + ']'); checkPerformanceEntry(p[i]); } // Use getEntries(name, entryType) to get specific entries p = performance.getEntries({ name: 'Begin', entryType: 'mark' }); for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { log('Begin[' + i + ']'); checkPerformanceEntry(p[i]); } // Use getEntriesByType() to get all "mark" entries p = performance.getEntriesByType('mark'); for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { log( 'Mark only entry[' + i + ']: name = ' + p[i].name + '; startTime = ' + p[i].startTime + '; duration = ' + p[i].duration, ); } // Use getEntriesByName() to get all "mark" entries named "Begin" p = performance.getEntriesByName('Begin', 'mark'); for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { log( 'Mark and Begin entry[' + i + ']: name = ' + p[i].name + '; startTime = ' + p[i].startTime + '; duration = ' + p[i].duration, ); } }

Image Performance

We can use <img srcset="large.jpg 800w, small.jpg 300w" src="large.jpg" /> to use source sets for images.

The example used is using via.placholder.com to show how the different srcset works.

For a srcset, it will continue to fetch the bigger images as the media queries will hit as a screen gets bigger but not the other way. The thought is that network reqs are expensive but repainting is not so bad.

Page Jank

An article on JS startup Performance.

"Jumping" or "gittering" is consider page jank. Things that contribute this include layout thrashing.

The 60fps aim is because most monitors are 60 hertz. That's an update ~16.66ms. We basically want all of our work to happen at 10ms to give the update to the screen.

A geat website to test paint flashing from the Chrome Dev Tools is Koalas to the max.

The Performance Panel

A useful link here is Chrome Dev Tools - Evaluate Performance.

  • We can turn off screenshots and memory to show less tabs.
  • What we have left over is the FPS, CPU and Network graphs on one panel and a breakdown of them all in the bottom panel.
  • For FPS, the higher the green line the better. As it uses a lot, it will start with a red bar across the top.
  • CPU will show a mix between rendering, painting, JS work.
  • The second panel full of call graphs is a breakdown of what is happening. The main thread is where we can see what is happening. Tall is not so bad (just means a large call stack), wide is where we get concerned. Again, there are red boxes that can help us.
  • When you select a box, it will show it below in the summary.
  • Once you profile and go to sources, it will give you timing out of the box on the side panel!


Common causes of memory leaks:

Accidental Global

function foo() { bar = 'This is probably not what you mean'; }

The Forgotten Timer

const data = getData(); setInterval(() => { document.body.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(data); }, 1000);

The DOM and not the DOM

// this reference needs to be removed const button = document.getElementById('button'); function removeButton() { document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('button')); }

Chrome Task Manager & Snapshots

  • You can use the task maanger and option + click and add JavaScript Memory.
  • Performance tab good for spotting a leak, memory for debugging.
  • The saw wave indicates a leak. It will also break that line down into different memory issues.
  • We can use the heap snapshot as an entry to start checking where things are happening through samples.
  • After recording, you can then use the filters to order things like shallow size, retained size etc. If this doesn't give you a good idea, you can take another snapshot and compared.

There is a website here that you can use to practice snapshots for memory leaks!

Memory snapshots do not map directly to the source code, but you can dig into where the issues are coming from in the panel to identify the source.


To check experimental code, if you go to chrome://flags and turn on the experimental flag, you can then go to settings and turn on experiments.

Hitting shift seven times will reveal hidden experiments.

Chrome Canary

The bleeding edge version of Chrome.



