
Webpack Optimisation

Loader targeting

Apply loaders to the minimal number of modules necessary.

// instead of... module.exports = { //... module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader' } ] } }; // try using the include target module.exports = { //... module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'), loader: 'babel-loader' } ] } };


Each additional loader/plugin has a bootup time. Try to use as few tools as possible.


The following can increase resolving speed:

  • Minimize the number of items in resolve.modules, resolve.extensions, resolve.mainFiles, resolve.descriptionFiles, as they increase the number of filesystem calls.
  • Set resolve.symlinks: false if you don't use symlinks (eg npm link or yarn link).
  • Set resolve.cacheWithContext: false if you use custom resolving plugins, that are not context specific.


Use the DllPlugin to move code that is changes less frequently into a separate compilation. This will improve app compilation speed, although it does increase complexity of the build process.

Smaller = Faster

Decrease the total size of the compilation to increase build performance. Try to keep chunks small.

  • Use fewer/smaller libs
  • Use the SplitChunksPlugin in Multi-Page Applications
  • Use the SplitChunksPlugin in async mode in Multi-Page Applications
  • Remove unused code
  • Only compile the part of the code you are currently developing on

Worker Pool

The thread-loader can be used to offload expensive loaders to a worker pool.

Don't use too many loaders. There is a boot overhead for the Node.js runtime and the loader. Minimize the module transfers between worker and main process. IPC is expensive.

Persistent Cache

Enable persistent caching with the cache-loader. Clear cache directory on "postinstall" in package.json.

Custom plugins/loaders

Profile them to not introduce a performance problem here.

Incremental Builds

Use watch mode. Specifically Webpack's.

If CPU overloads due to poling mode, you can increase the polling interval with watchOptions.poll.

Compile in Memory

Following utils improve performance by compilin and serving assets in memory rather than writing to disk:

  • webpack-dev-server
  • webpack-hot-middleware
  • webpack-dev-middleware


Be aware of the performance differences between the different devtool settings.

  • "eval" has the best performance, but doesn't assist you for transpiled code.
  • The cheap-source-map variants are more performant if you can live with the slightly worse mapping quality.
  • Use a eval-source-map variant for incremental builds. => In most cases, cheap-module-eval-source-map is the best option.

[TO FINISH => up to https://webpack.js.org/guides/build-performance/#minimal-entry-chunk]



