
4. Kubernetes Administration


  1. Why etcd is etcd?


Kubernetes Master Overview

Kubernetes Master Overview

  • When you deploy a new Pod, the information is stored in etcd. (etcd = /etc config folder and d = distributed)
  • Schedular talks to REST api.
  • REST api is used to handle tasks.
    • Interfaces with Kubelets on the nodes.

4.1 Resource Quotas

  • Resource management is useful when giving access to a person or a team.
  • You don't want one person or team taking up all the resources (e.g. CPU/Memory) of the cluster.
  • You can divide the cluster into namespaces and enable resource quotas on it.
    • You can do this using the ResourceQuota and ObjectQuota objects.
  • Each container can specify request capacity and capacity limits.
    • Request capacity is an explicit request for resources.
      • The scheduler can use the request capacity to make decisions on where to put the pod on.
      • You can see it as a minimum amount of resources the pod needs.
    • Resource limit is a limit imposed to the container.
      • Container will not be able to utilize more resources than specified.

Resource Quota Examples

  • You run a deployment with a pod with a CPU resource request of 200m. (200 millicpu/milliocores).
  • 200m = 0.2 = 20% of CPU core of running node.
    • If node has 2 cores, still 20% of a single core.
  • You can also put a limit eg 400m.
  • Memory quotes defined in MB or GB.
  • Each pod needs the capacity quota defined during creation.
    • Admin can specify default request values for pods that don't specify any values for capacity.
    • The same is valid for limit quotas.
  • If resource is requested more than the allowed capacity, the server API will give an error 403 FORBIDDEN and kubectl will show an error.

Resource Quote options

requests.cpuSum of CPU reqs of all pos cannot exceed this value
requests.memSum of MEM reqs of all pods cannot exceed this value
requests.storageSum of storage reqs of all persistent volume claims cannot exceed this value
limits.cpuSum of CPU limits of all pods cannot exceed this value
limits.memorySum of MEM limits of all pods cannot exceed this value

You can also set limits on:

  • configmaps
  • persistentvolumeclaims
  • pods
  • replicationcontrollers
  • resourcequotas
  • services
  • services.loadbalancer
  • services.nodeports
  • secrets

4.2 Namespaces

Namespaces allow you to create virtual clusters within the same physical cluster.

  • Namespaces logically separates your cluster.
  • The standard namespace is called "default" and that's where all the resources are launched by default.
    • There is also kube-system - a namespace for kubernetes specific resources.
  • Namespaces are intended when you have multiple teams/projects using the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Resource names within namespace must be unique.
  • You can divide resources of a Kubernetes cluster using namespaces.
    • You can limit resources on a per namespace basis.
    • E.g. Marketing team can only use a maximum of 10GiB of memory, 2 loadbalancers, 2 CPU cores.

Namespace commands

$ kubectl create namespace myspace # create namespace myspace $ kubectl get namespaces # list all namespaces # Set default namespace to launch resources in $ export CONTEXT=$(kubectl config view | awk '/current-context/{print $2}') $ kubectl config set-context $CONTEXT --namespace=myspace

apiVersion: 1 kind: ResourceQuota metadata: name: objects-counts namespace: myspace spec: hard: configmaps: '10' persistentvolumesclaim: '4' replicationcontrollers: '20' secrets: '10' services: '10' services.loadbalancers: '2'

Demo ResourceQuotas

# resourcequota.yml apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: myspace --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ResourceQuota metadata: name: compute-quota namespace: myspace spec: hard: requests.cpu: '1' requests.memory: 1Gi limits.cpu: '2' limits.memory: 2Gi --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ResourceQuota metadata: name: object-quota namespace: myspace spec: hard: configmaps: '10' persistentvolumeclaims: '4' replicationcontrollers: '20' secrets: '10' services: '10' services.loadbalancers: '2'

# helloworld-with-quotas.yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: helloworld-deployment namespace: myspace spec: replicas: 3 template: metadata: labels: app: helloworld spec: containers: - name: k8s-demo image: wardviaene/k8s-demo ports: - name: nodejs-port containerPort: 3000 resources: requests: cpu: 200m memory: 0.5Gi limits: cpu: 400m memory: 1Gi

# helloworld-no-quotas.yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: helloworld-deployment namespace: myspace spec: replicas: 3 template: metadata: labels: app: helloworld spec: containers: - name: k8s-demo image: wardviaene/k8s-demo ports: - name: nodejs-port containerPort: 3000

# default.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: LimitRange metadata: name: limits namespace: myspace spec: limits: - default: cpu: 200m memory: 512Mi defaultRequest: cpu: 100m memory: 256Mi type: Container

The following commands can be used to get check resources:

$ kubectl get <% pod_name %> --namespace=myspace $ kubectl describe <% pod_name %> --namespace=myspace

4.3 User Management

There are two user types:

  1. Normal user (used to access the cluster externally) ie through kubctl.
  2. Service user (which is managed by an object in Kubernetes).
    • Used to authenticate within the cluster ie from inside pod of kubelet.
    • These creds are managed like secrets.

Normal Users

Auth strategies include:

  • Client certificates
  • Bearer Tokens
  • Authentication Proxy
  • HTTP Basic Authentication
  • OpenID
  • Webhooks

They have the following attributes:

  • Username (e.g. user123 or email@email.com)
  • A UID
  • Groups
  • Extra fields to store extra info

After a normal user authenticates, it was hav access to everything.

  • To limit, you need to configure auth.
  • There are multiple offerings:
    • AlwaysAllow / AlwaysDeny
    • ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control)
    • RBAC (Role Based Access Control)
    • Webhook (auth by remote service)

Service Users

  • Service Users are using Service Account Tokens.
  • They are stored as credentials using Secrets.
    • Those Secrets are also mounted in pods to allow communication between the services.
  • Service Users are specific to a namespace.
  • They are created automatically by the API or manually using objects.
  • Any API call not authenticated is considered as an anonymous user.

Other notes on User Management

Auth is still a work in progress. The demo itself shows the creation of a asymmetric key and updating Minikube to allow that as the user.

4.4 RBAC (Role Based Access Control)

  • Regulates access using roles.
  • Allows admins to dynamically configure permission policies.
  • This is what I'll use in the demo.

You add RBAC resources with kubectl from a yaml format file.

First, define a role, then assign users/groups to that role.

You can create roles limited to a namespace or that applies across all namespaces.

  • Role (single namespace) and ClusterRole (cluster-wide).
  • RoleBinding (single namespace) and ClusterRoleBinding (cluster-wide).

4.5 Networking

Communication topics already covered:

  • Container to container: communication within a pod.
    • Through localhost and the port number.
  • Pod-To-Service comms
    • Using NodePort and DNS.
  • External-To-Service
    • Using LoadBalancer, NodePort.


  • The pod should always be routable.
  • Kubernetes assumes that pods should be able to communicate to other pods, regardless of which node they are running.
  • Kubernetes assumes that pods should be able to communicate to other pods, regardless of which node they are running.
    • Every pod has its own IP address.
    • Pods on different nodes need to be able to communicate to each other using those IP addresses.
      • This is implemented differently depending on your networking setup.
      • On AWS: kubenet networking (kops default).

Kubenet Networking

  • Every pod can get an IP that is routable using the AWS Virtual Private Network (VPC).
  • The kubernetes master allocates a /24 subnet to each node (254 IP addresses).
  • The subnet is added to the VPCs route table.
  • There is a limit of 50 entries, which means you can't have more than 50 nodes in a single AWS cluster.

VPC Alternatives

Not every cloud provider has VPC-tech (GCE and Azure do).

The alternatives for things like on-prem etc are:

  1. Container Network Interface (CNI)

    • Software that provides libraries/plugins for network interfaces within containers.

    • Popular solutions are Calico, Weave (standalone or with CNI).

  2. An Overlay Network

    • Flannel is an easy and popular way.

4.6 Node Maintenance

It is the Node Controller that is responsible for managing the Node object.

  • It assigns IP Space to the node when a new node is launched.
  • It keeps the node list up to date with the available machines.
  • The node controller is also monitoring the health of the node.
    • If a node is unhealthy it gets deleted.
    • Pods running on the unhealthy node will then get rescheduled.

Adding a new node

When adding a new node, the kubelet will attempt to register itself. This is called self-registration and is the default behaviour.

  • It allows you to easily add more nodes to the cluster without making API changes yourself.
  • A new node object is automatically created with:
    • The metadata (with a name: IP or hostname).
    • Labels (e.g. cloud region / availability zone / instance size).
  • Has node condition (e.g. Ready, OutOfDisk).
  • When you want to decomission a node, you want to do it gracefully.
    • Drain a node before you shut it down or take it out of the cluster.

# drain a node $ kubectl drain nodename --grace-period=600 # if node runs pods not managed by a controller but just a single pod $ kubectl drain nodename --force

Terminal draining

Terminal draining

4.7 High Availability

If you are running in prod, you willwant all master services in high availability.


  1. Clustering etcd: at least run 3 etcd nodes.
  2. Replicated API servers: with a a LoadBalancer
  3. Running multiple instances of the scheduler and the controllers.
    • only one of them will be the leader, the others are on stand-by.
HA Overview

HA Overview

HA diagram

HA diagram

Kops with multiple masters for HA

kops create cluster --name=... --zones=eu-west-1a,eu-west-1b,eu-west-1c --master-zones=eu-west-1a,eu-west-1b,eu-west-1c

This becomes more complex for volumes since EBS volumes are based within zones.

4.8 TLS on ELB using Annotations

You can setup cloud specific features (like TLS termination) on AWS LoadBalancers that you create in Kubernetes using services of type LoadBalancer.

You can do this using annotations to pass some flags for cloud configuration eg aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert, aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol etc.

# helloworld-elb-tls-service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: helloworld-service annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert: 'arn:aws:acm:region:accountid:certificate/...' #replace this value service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: 'http' service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-ports: '443' service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-draining-enabled: 'true' service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-draining-timeout: '60' service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-additional-resource-tags: 'environment=dev,app=helloworld' spec: ports: - name: http port: 80 targetPort: nodejs-port protocol: TCP - name: https port: 443 targetPort: nodejs-port protocol: TCP selector: app: helloworld type: LoadBalancer