What if Node used the 'event' (message-broadcasting) pattern to send out a message ('event') each time a sufficient batch of the data had been loaded in? This is the idea behind streams.
Streams bring in the event loop and callback queue in Nodejs.
The default size of batches in a stream is 64kB.
const http = require('http'); const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { // `req` is an http.IncomingMessage, which is a Readable Stream. // `res` is an http.ServerResponse, which is a Writable Stream. let body = ''; // Get the data as utf8 strings. // If an encoding is not set, Buffer objects will be received. req.setEncoding('utf8'); // Readable streams emit 'data' events once a listener is added. req.on('data', chunk => { body += chunk; }); // The 'end' event indicates that the entire body has been received. req.on('end', () => { try { const data = JSON.parse(body); // Write back something interesting to the user: res.write(typeof data); res.end(); } catch (er) { // uh oh! bad json! res.statusCode = 400; return res.end(`error: ${er.message}`); } }); }); server.listen(1337); // $ curl localhost:1337 -d "{}" // object // $ curl localhost:1337 -d "\"foo\"" // string // $ curl localhost:1337 -d "not json" // error: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1
Alternative to the above, you can process the chunks on the data
event instead of doing it all at the end:
let cleanedTweets '' function cleanTweets(tweetsToClean) { // algo to remove bad tweets from tweetsToClean } // fires after each batch comes through! function doOnNewBatch(data) { cleanedTweets += cleanTweets(data) } const accessTweetsArchive = fs.createReadStream('./tweetsArchive.json') accessTweetsArchive.on('data', doOnNewBatch)
The "callback queue" comes into play to ensure that any data coming through on the next batch does not trigger the callback straight away with the new data. The function with the next batch is stored to this callback queue and the event loop pulls it off the queue once the previous work is done.
All these streaming events do not share the same queue.
Note: once the stream is done, it will run the close
event. Note that everything comes in as a buffer.
Here are some important definitions to know:
Here is there things: there are a bunch of different queues and the event loop is very restrictive about what is allow on the call stack.
What order is the following code run?
function useImportedTweets(errorData, data) { const tweets = JSON.parse(data); console.log(tweets.tweet1); } function immediately() { console.log('Run me last!'); } function printHello() { console.log('Hello'); } function blockFor500ms() { // Block JS thread DIRECTLY for 500 ms // With e.g. a for loop with 5m elements } setTimeout(printHello, 0); // printHello goes to Timer Queue fs.readFile('./tweets.json', useImportedTweets); // useImportedTweets goes to I/O queue blockFor500ms(); console.log('Me first'); setImmediate(immediately); // immediately added to Check Queue
Note that in the above and because of what happens with async Node, the order to be fired is that blockFor500ms
will run, then the printHello
function will come off the timer queue, then useImportedTweets
from the I/O queue, then immediately
from the check queue.
is an example of something in the timer queue that runs through libuv.fs
is a under the check queue.The Microtask queue that comes with Promises is actually prioritised over the top of the others, and between it there is also two types.
would get put in the first type of queue.The "close" handle queue is used for close events.