Given array [7, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6]
, what are the minimum swaps to sort this algorithm?
for the element you want is.i = 0..n-1
, if arr[0] !== i + 1
, then swap arr[i]
with arr[indexes[i]]
.indexes[arr[i] = 1]
with the new position indexes[i]
.This solution will have a run time of n
// Complete the minimumSwaps function below. function minimumSwaps(arr) { let swaps = 0; // Build an array of indexes for where the next `indexOf` for the element you want is. const indexes =, i) => arr.indexOf(i + 1)); for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { // if !== 1 if (arr[i] !== i + 1) { // 7 const temp = arr[i]; // set arr[1] to 1 arr[i] = arr[indexes[i]]; // set arr[1] to 7 arr[indexes[i]] = temp; // set indexes[6] to indexes[temp - 1] = indexes[i]; // increment swaps swaps++; } } return swaps; }