
28: Simplifying Queries With Views

"Find the most popular users - users who were tagged the most."

We could do another union between post_tags and caption_tags like we have done prior. Then we could join between users and tags.

SELECT username, COUNT(*) AS num_tags FROM users JOIN ( SELECT user_id FROM post_tags UNION SELECT user_id FROM caption_tags ) AS tags ON tags.user_id = users.id GROUP BY username ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC

If we run it, what is awkward about it? The awkward part is that once again we needed to do a UNION between these two tags tables.

How can we improve this situation?

A possible solution for merging

What are the possible solutions?

  1. Merge the two tables, delete the original ones. BUT we cannot copy the IDs of photo_tags and caption_tags since they must be unique. If we delete the original tables, we break any existing queries that refer to them.
  2. Create a view.

Create a VIEW

  • You can think of a view as a "fake table" that has rows from other tables.
  • You can think of views as similar to CTEs.
  • These can be exact rows as they exist on another table or a computed value.
  • Can reference the view in any place where we'd normally reference a table.
  • View doesn't actually create a new table or move any data around.
  • Doesn't have to be used for a union! Can compute absolutely any values.

To create a new view.

CREATE VIEW tags AS ( SELECT id, created_at, user_id, post_id, 'photo_tag' AS type FROM photos_tags UNION ALL SELECT id, created_at, user_id, post_id, 'caption_tag' AS type FROM photos_tags ); SELECT * FROM tags; -- will return all type

When to use a view

Another example: "Find the 10 most recent posts".

CREATE VIEW recent_posts AS ( SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10 ); SELECT * FROM recent_posts;

Now if we want to 10 most recent users from the recent posts:

SELECT username FROM recent_posts JOIN users ON users.id = recent_posts.user_id

Deleting and changing views

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW recent_posts AS ( SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 15 );

Deleting a view:

DROP VIEW recent_posts;



