

A behavioural design pattern in which an object is used to encapsulate all information needed to perform an action or trigger an event at a later time. -- Wikipedia


  • Command: Knows about receiver and invokes a method of the receiver. Values for params of the receiver method are stored in the command. Values for receiver method params are stored in command.
  • Receiver: Does the work when execute() is called in command object.
  • Invoker: Knows how to execute a command and optionally does bookkeeping about command execution. Does not know anything about a concrete command, only the command interface.
  • Client: Holds the command objects and receiver objects and assigns commands to the invoker. The client is also responsible for executing which commands at which points. It passes the command object to the invoker object.

GitHub Repo Example

This example is an extension to some code taken directly from gztchan's GitHub repo as it gives a nice and simple example.

An extension made it to create a FireCommand to emulate how something like the Command Design could be used for a game.

This simpler example focuses on the main participants: Handler (command interface), ConcreteHandler (commands), CommandReceiver (receiver), Invoker (invoker class), Client (invoker instance).

// Receiver interface Receive { action(): void; } class CommandReceiver implements Receive { action(): void { console.log('Receiver takes action'); } } // Command interface Command { execute(): void; } // ConcreteCommands class LaunchCommand implements Command { private receiver: Receive; // NOTE: commands know about receiver constructor(receiver: Receive) { this.receiver = receiver; } execute(): void { console.log('Launch!!!'); this.receiver.action(); } } class FireCommand implements Command { private receiver: Receive; // NOTE: commands know about receiver constructor(receiver: Receive) { this.receiver = receiver; } execute(): void { console.log('Fire!'); this.receiver.action(); } } class StopCommand implements Command { private receiver: Receive; // NOTE: commands know about receiver constructor(receiver: Receive) { this.receiver = receiver; } execute(): void { console.log('Stop!!!'); this.receiver.action(); } } // Invoker interface Invoke { runCommand(command?: Command): void; } class Invoker implements Invoke { private commands: Command[]; constructor() { this.commands = []; } addCommand(command: Command) { this.commands.push(command); } runCommand(command?: Command) { if (command) { this.commands.push(command); } const command = this.commands.shift(); command.execute(); } } (function main() { // 1. We create a receiver const receiver = new CommandReceiver(); // 2. We create commands that implement the base command interface and pass the receiver object to the command const launch = new LaunchCommand(receiver); const fire = new FireCommand(receiver); const stop = new StopCommand(receiver); // 3. We create the invoker client to add commands to const invoker = new Invoker(); // Example of adding and then running a command invoker.addCommand(launch); invoker.runCommand(); invoker.addCommand(fire); invoker.runCommand(); invoker.addCommand(stop); invoker.runCommand(); // Example of adding multiple commands and then running multiple executions invoker.addCommand(launch); invoker.addCommand(fire); invoker.addCommand(fire); invoker.addCommand(fire); invoker.addCommand(stop); invoker.runCommand(); invoker.runCommand(); invoker.runCommand(); invoker.runCommand(); invoker.runCommand(); })();




