Watch your blind side: nurture both types of loonshots
2. Create dynamic equilibrium
Love your artists and soldiers equally
Manage the transfer, not the tech: be a gardener, not a Moses
Appoint and train project champions to bridge the divide
3. Spread a system mindset
Keep asking why the organisation made the choices that it did
Keep asking how the decision-making process can be improved
Identify teams with outcome mindset and help them adopt system mindset
4. Raise the magic number
Reduce return-on-politics
Use soft equity (nonfinancial awards)
Increase project-skill fit (scan for mismatches)
Fix the middle (reduce perverse incentives for middle managers)
Bring a gun to a knife fight (engage a chief incentives officer)
Fine-tune the spans (wide for loonshots for groups; narrow for franchise)
Other standard thoughts
Mind the False Fail
Listen to the Suck with Curiousity (LSC)
Apply system rather than outcome mindset
Keep your eyes on SRT: spirit, relationships, time
The Magic Number 150
Design + Fitness Parameters (G, S, E, F)
Growth Rate (G)
Salary-Step Up (12% means G is 12%)
Management Span (S)
Manager : employee (S = 3)
Equity Fraction (E)
Equity ties your pay directly to quality
Fitness (F)
Project-Skill Fit + Return-On-Politics (F = 1 is equal)
Magic Number Equation
M (150) stands for the number that above which the balance flips from favoring project work to politics.
Below the threshold, incentives encourage employees to unite around making loonshots successful. Above, career considerations become more important and politics suddently appear.
type Equity = number;
type GrowthRate = number;
type ManagementSpan = number;
type Fitness = number;
type MagicNumber = number;
// M = magic number
const M = (
E: Equity,
S: ManagementSpan,
F: Fitness,
G: GrowthRate
): MagicNumber => (E * (S * S) * F) / G;
// example one
M(0.5, 6, 1, 0.12); // = 150
M(0.5, 10, 1, 0.33); // = 150