
10: Advanced IAM

Web Identity Federation

Simplifies authentication and authorization for web apps.

  • User Access to AWS Resources: Users get access after successfully auth'ing with a web-based identity provider like Facebook, Amazon or Google.
  • Authentication: Users will get a successful auth code.
  • Authorization: Users trade auth code for temp AWS security creds, authorizing access to AWS resources.

Web ID Federation with Amazon Cognito

  • Provides web ID federation, including sign-up and sign-in fucntionality for your app, and access for guest users.
  • Cognito acts as an identity broker. You don't need to write any additional code.
  • Cognito supports multiple devices.
  • It is recommended for all mobile apps that use AWS services.
  • Temporary credentials map to an IAM role.
  • Cognito is secure and seamless. No need for the app to embed or store AWS creds locally on the device.

Cognito User Pools and Identity Pools

  • User Pools: User directories used to manage sign-up and sign-in functionality for mobile and web applications.
  • Sign-in: Users can sign-in directly to the User Pool, or using Facebook, Amazon or Google.
  • Identity Pools: Enable you to provide temporary AWS credentials enabling access to AWS services like S3 or DynamoDB.

User Pools are all about sign-in/sign-out, while Identity Pools are about temporary IAM roles.

User Pool and Identity Pool Workflow

  1. User signs in with the User Pool.
  2. The User Pool returns a JWT token.
  3. That JWT token is traded with Identity Pool for AWS credentials that map to a IAM role.

Cognito Push Synchronization

  • Devices: Cognito tracks the association between user identity and the various different devices they sign-in from.
  • Seamless: Cognito uses Push Synchronization to push updates and synchronize user data across multiple devices.
  • Under the hood, it is using SNS Silent notifications.

Cognito User Pools Demo


  1. Create a Cognito User Pool.
  2. Configure Sign-Up and Sign-In.
  3. Sign up a User.
  4. View the JWT Token.

After creating the User Pool, you can configure the following:

  1. Add App Client. We use it to call all the various APIs on our behalf. Make sure Generate App Client Secret is selected on.
  2. Now click App client settings, set it for Cognito User Pool, and you'll need to configure the Callback URL and sign-out url.
  3. Under Allowed OAuth Flows, the demo selected Authorization code grant and Implicit grant. The later provides the JWT.
  4. Under Allowed OAuth Scopes, all the value were selected.
  5. Under Domain name, a domain is created.
  6. Afterwards, the domain could be visited with query params response_type=token and client_id=<your-app-client-id> and redirect_uri=<your-callback-url>.

Configuraing the app client is out of scope for this exam.

After all of this was done, the last few things demonstrated:

  1. Under Users and groups, it was demonstrated how to create groups for what certain users could access.
  2. Under Identity providers, there was a demonstration of the provider values possible.

Cognito Identity Pools Demo

In part one, there was a DynamoDB Table and EC2 instance.

In this part, a Cognito Identity Pool and IAM Role are created. It will give access to unauth'd users.

STS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity

  • assume-role-with-web-identity is an API provide by STS (Security token service).
  • Returns temporary security credentials for users authenticated by a mobile or web app or using a web ID provider like Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc.
  • Regular web apps can use assume-role-with-web-identity. For mobile, it is recommended to use Cognito.

Cross-Account Access

Delegate access to resources in different AWS accounts that you own.

  • Manage resources in other accounts
  • IAM role in one account to allow access and grant permissions to users in a different account.
  • Switch roles within the AWS management console. No password required.



