
React Native with CSS and SCSS

React Native to CSS/SCSS Node Package

This is the link to the package

This package converts css/scss to a .js file that we can use in the react-native component/container files.


Install globally npm install react-native-css -g

Now we can run react-native-css -i INPUT_CSS_FILE -o OUTPUT_JS_FILE --watch - check the .md

! IMPORTANT: Rules for the SASS File

The target classes NEED be written in camel case

Basic Example: style.css

.container { margin-top: 75; align-items: center; } .image { width: 107; height: 165; padding: 10; } .descriptionCamelCaseExample { padding: 10; font-size: 25; color: #656565; }

If we run react-native-css -i ./style.css -o ./style.js --watch

The following will be in style.js

module.exports = require('react-native').StyleSheet.create({ "container": { "marginTop":75, "alignItems":"center" }, "image": { "width":107, "height":165, "padding":10 }, "descriptionCamelCaseExample": { "padding":10, "fontSize":25, "color":"#656565"} });

In the respective component js file, you will now need to import this.

'use strict'; // var React = require('react-native'); import React, { Component } from 'react'; import styles from './style.js'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Image } from 'react-native'; class ExampleComponentOrContainer extends Component { render() { // example variable declarations // not directly relevant to explanation var book = this.props.book; var imageURI = (typeof book.volumeInfo.imageLinks !== 'undefined') ? book.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail : ''; var description = (typeof book.volumeInfo.description !== 'undefined') ? book.volumeInfo.description : ''; return ( // use style = {styles.<class>} // to apply the styles <View style={styles.container}> <Image style={styles.image} source={{uri: imageURI}} /> <Text style={styles.descriptionCamelCaseExample}>{description}</Text> </View> ); } } export { BookDetail };

Happy days!



