7: KMS and Encryption On AWS
KMS 101
- Managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control encryption keys used to encrypt your data.
- Seamlessly integrated with many AWS services to make encrypting data in those services as easy as checking a box.
- Simple to encrypt data with encryption keys that you manage.
Use KMS whenever you are dealing with sensitive information.
Familiar services it integrates with:
- S3
- DynamoDB
- Lambda
- CloudTrail
- Developer Tools
What is a Customer Master Key (CMK)?
- Encrypt/decrypt data up to 4KB.
- Generate/encrypt/decrypt the data key.
- Data Key: use to encrypt/decrypt data.
- Using the DK to encrypt data is known as Envelope Encryption.
CMK Demo
- First of all, users are created to use with CMK (
and myKeyUser
). - Once creating a CMK in KMS, you have a choice for symmetric and asymmetric keys.
- When creating it, we have to define you can administer the key. Here you selected user like
. - When setting who can use the key, the demo added it to user
. - A key resource policy is create (KSP) which is similar to an IAM policy.
Note: KMS is a regional service.
CMK Summary
- Alias: to refer to the CMK
- There is a creation data with the CMK.
- Key State for the state of the key i.e.
, Disabled
, etc. - Key Material: Custmer-provided or AWS-provided.
- Stays inside KMS: Can never be exported.
- You can add your own description to describe the CMK.
- Key Admin Permissions: who can administer (but not use) the key through the KMS API.
- Key Usage Persmissions: IAM users and roles that can user the key to encrypt/decrypt data.
Understanding KMS API Calls
This is a demo that does the following:
- Using the previously made CMK.
- Launched an EC2 instance (same region as CMK).
- SSH into the instance.
- Echo a value into
. aws configure
to configure the EC2 AWS CLI with myKeyUser
Some examples of the commands demo'd:
aws kms encrypt --key-id YOURKEYIDHERE --plaintext fileb://secret.txt --output text --query CiphertextBlob | base64 --decode > encryptedsecret.txt
aws kms decrypt --ciphertext-blob fileb://encryptedsecret.txt --output text --query Plaintext | base64 --decode > decryptedsecret.txt
aws kms re-encrypt --destination-key-id YOURKEYIDHERE --ciphertext-blob fileb://encryptedsecret.txt | base64 > newencryption.txt
aws kms enable-key-rotation --key-id YOURKEYIDHERE
aws kms get-key-rotation-status --key-id YOURKEYIDHERE
aws kms generate-data-key --key-id YOURKEYIDHERE --key-spec AES_256
comes from the CMK key ID.
Note: a data key is required to encrypt anything over 4KB.
Exploring Envelope Encryption
Envelope encryption is the practice of encrypting plaintext data with a data key, and then encrypting the data key under another key.
It's a process for encrypting data, normally over 4KB.
The process:
- Create a data key (aka envelope key).
- Data key encrypts your data.
- Data key is stored locally with data and not stored by KMS.
Using envelope encryption avoids sending all your data into KMS over the network.