
Kotlin Study Group


shift * 3Search for shortcuts
ctrl + mousewheelZoom. Option must be enabled.
ctrl + option + hTree of calls
ctrl + hCreation hierarchy
option + upExtend selection
cmd + backspaceDestroy line
cmd + shift + pShows you what highlighted text is
shift *3 > "Add inferred type argumentsTypes inferred
cmd + f12All methods defined
ctrl + space (maybe + shift)Code completion
cmd + pArguments required
ctrl + space + upSuggestions through codebase
cmd + shift + enterFinish line, put me on next one
option + enter (on classes with interface implementations)Interface member inference
cmd + clickNavigate to definition
option + f6Rename
cmd + dDiff window
cmd + f6Refactor functions
TODO: extract to parameterExtract to function param
cmd + shift + tGo to spec (may need Kotlin test plugin)
ctrl + shift + jRefactor lines

Toy Robot notes

Robot on infinite plane.

import kotlin.math.absoluteValue fun main() { val instructions = "R3L2R7L4" val distance = robotDistance(instructions) println("hello world $distance") } enum class Direction { NORTH { override fun right() = EAST override fun left() = WEST }, SOUTH { override fun right() = WEST override fun left() = EAST }, EAST { override fun right() = SOUTH override fun left() = NORTH }, WEST { override fun right() = NORTH override fun left() = SOUTH }; abstract fun right(): Direction abstract fun left(): Direction } data class RobotState(val x: Int = 0, val y: Int = 0, val direction: Direction = Direction.NORTH) { fun right(): RobotState = this.copy(direction = direction.right()) fun left(): RobotState = this.copy(direction = direction.left()) fun move(distance: Int) = when(direction) { Direction.NORTH -> copy(y = y + distance) Direction.EAST -> copy(x = x + distance) Direction.SOUTH -> copy(y = y - distance) Direction.WEST -> copy(x = x - distance) } } fun robotDistance(instructions: String): Int { val regex = Regex("(R|L|\\d+)") val tokens = regex.findAll(instructions).map { it.groupValues[1] } val finalState = tokens.fold(RobotState()) { acc: RobotState, token: String -> when (token) { "R" -> acc.right() "L" -> acc.left() else -> acc.move(token.toInt()) } } return finalState.x.absoluteValue + finalState.y.absoluteValue }


  • Can update to show definition on hover



