The Complete Go Developer Guide

Intro to the Go CLI

go buildCompiles go source files
go runCompiles and executes one or two files
go fmtFormats all go code in current directory
go installCompiles and "installs" a package
go getDownloads the raw source code of someone else's pacakge
go testRuns any tests associated with the current project

Hello World

Using the Go CLI, we can run a simple hello world as so.

package main import "fmt" /** * Basic hello world. * Run using go -o */ func main() { fmt.Println("Hi there!") }

Go Packages

When you see lines like package main, that's like a workspace.

There are two types of packages in Golang:

  1. Executable: Generates a file that we can run.
  2. Reuseable: Code used as "helpers" -- a good place to put reusable login.

Take for example three files:

// main.go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hi there!") } // support.go package main func support() { fmt.Println("Hi support!") } // helper.go package main func helper() { fmt.Println("Hi helper!") }

How can we tell the difference between whether we are creating a executable or reuseable type of package? It actually depends on whether you use the name package main. If you ran go build and you did not use package main, it will not spit out an executable file.

Any executable package also needs a func called main.

Variable Declarations

Variables in Go can generally be inferred from the right hand side. Linters will generally help you out with this.

Shorthand declarations with initialisation can be done with :=, although it should be noted you can omit the : when declaring new values for variables.

package main func main() { var card string = "Ace of spades" easierCard := "Ace of hearts" easierCard = "Five of Diamonds" }

Functions and Return Types

The patter for declaring a return type is to name that return type after a func is called.

package main import "fmt" func main() { card := newCard() fmt.Println(card) } func newCard() string { return "Ace of spades" }

Slices and For Loops

Go has two basic structures for handling lists:

  1. Array: fixed length list of things
  2. Slice: an array that can grow or shrink

Every slice must also be of the same type.

For a slice, we create it like so:

func main() { cards := []string{newCard()} cards = append(cards, "Six of Spades") for i, card := range cards { fmt.Println(i, card) } }

Note that the cards variable is immutable and a new slice is returned when we use the append function to add to the slice.

We can use the range keyword to iterate over a slice.

Object Oriented approach vs Go approach

Note that there are no classes in Go.

In Go, what we do is declare a new type and then create functions with a receiver. This is a common pattern that repeats throughout Go courses.

In practice, we can update the main.go file with a new type we create:

// main.go package main func main() { cards := deck{newCard()} cards = append(cards, "Six of Spades") cards.print() } func newCard() string { return "Ace of spades" } // deck.go package main import "fmt" // Create a new type of 'deck' // which is a slice of strings type deck []string // Creating a receiver function func (d deck) print() { for i, card := range d { fmt.Println(i, card) } }

It is important to note that if your other package main files are not in the $GOPATH that you need to include them during your run state ie go run main.go deck.go.

Slice range syntax

// [StartingAt : UpToButNotInclusive] slice := ["one", "two", "three"] // Get "one", "two" sliceRange := slice[0:2] // Same as... sliceRangeTwo := [:2] // Get just the last sliceRangeThree := [2:]

Returning multiple values

// Use slices func deal(d deck, handSize int) (deck, deck) { return d[:handSize], d[handSize:] } func main() { cards := newDeck() // init and assign return values hand, remainingDeck := deal(cards, 5) hand.print() remainingDeck.print() }

Converting to bite slices (type conversion)

byteSlice := []byte("Hi there")

Writing to file

// main.go package main func main() { cards := newDeck() cards.saveToFile("my_cards") } // deck.go // omit newDeck() func (d deck) saveToFile(filename string) error { return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(d.toString()), 0666) }

Reading from hard drive

// main.go // main.go package main func main() { cards := newDeckFromFile("my_cards") cards.print() } // deck.go func newDeckFromFile(filename string) deck { // bs = byteSlice bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error:", err) os.Exit(1) } s := strings.Split(string(bs), ",") return deck(s) }

Shuffling a Deck

There is no inbuilt function to randomise a slice.

// main.go package main import ( "math/rand" "time" ) // Use slices func deal(d deck, handSize int) (deck, deck) { return d[:handSize], d[handSize:] } func (d deck) shuffle() { source := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()) r := rand.New(source) for i := range d { newPosition := r.Intn(len(d) - 1) // fancy one line swap d[i], d[newPosition] = d[newPosition], d[i] } } func main() { func main() { cards := newDeck() // init and assign return values cards.shuffle() cards.print() } }

Testing with Go

// deck_test.go package main import "testing" func TestNewDeck(t *testing.T) { d := newDeck() if len(d) != 16 { t.Errorf("Expected deck length of 16, but got %v", len(d)) } }

Asserting Elements

// deck_test.go package main import "testing" func TestNewDeck(t *testing.T) { d := newDeck() if len(d) != 16 { t.Errorf("Expected deck length of 16, but got %v", len(d)) } if d[0] != "Ace of Spaces" { t.Errorf("Expected first card of Ace of Spaces, but got %v", d[0]); } if d[len(d-1)] != "Four of Clubs" { t.Errorf("Expected first card of Four of Clubs, but got %v", d[len(d-1)]); } }

Clean up for file writing

// deck_test.go package main import ( "testing" "os" ) func TestNewDeck(t *testing.T) { d := newDeck() if len(d) != 16 { t.Errorf("Expected deck length of 16, but got %v", len(d)) } if d[0] != "Ace of Spaces" { t.Errorf("Expected first card of Ace of Spaces, but got %v", d[0]); } if d[len(d-1)] != "Four of Clubs" { t.Errorf("Expected first card of Four of Clubs, but got %v", d[len(d-1)]); } } // although long name, the test func TestSaveToDeckAndNewDeckFromFile(t *testing.T) { os.Remove("_decktesting") d := new Deck() d.saveToFile("_decktesting") loadedDeck := newDeckFromFile("_decktesting") if len(loadedDeck) != 16 { t.Errorf("Expected 16 cards in deck, got %v", len(loadedDeck)) } os.Remove("_decktesting") }

Structs in Go

Structs are a collection of different properties linked with a particular purpose.

If we want to convert the string "Ace of Spaces" to become more flexible and as a structure, we could create a struct:

If you init a struct with no values, the zero values are assigned as the following:

TypeZero Value

type card struct { house string value string } // usage func main() { card := card{"Spaces", "Ace"} // being more definitive cardTwo := card{house: "Spaces", value: "Ace"} fmt.Println(card) // non-init - sets the zero value // %+v will print out all field names and values var cardThree card fmt.Printf("%+v", cardThree) }

Embedding Structs

type contactInfo struct { email string zipCode int } type person struct { firstName string lastName string contactInfo } func main() { jim := person{ firstName: "Jim", lastName: "Party", contactInfo: contactInfo{ email: "", zipCode: 94000 } } fmt.Printf("%+v", jim) // same as jim.print() // Update name jim.updateNameIncorrect("jimmy") jim.print() // still shows jim instead of jimmy // Correct jimPointer := &jim jimPointer.updateName("jimmy") jim.print() // prints jimmy // Also works - shortcut for the receiver jim.updatename("jimmy") jim.print() } func (p person) print() { fmt.Printf("%+v", p) } // updateName without a pointer func (p person) updateNameIncorrect(newFirstName string) { p.firstName = newFirstname } // updateName correctly // note that taking *type means we're working with a pointer // *variable means we want to manipulate the value it is pointing at func (p *person) updateName(newFirstName string) { (*p).firstName = newFirstname }

Pointer operations

  • Turn address into value with *address
  • Turn value into address with &value
  • Note that with slices vs structs, you can manipulate the slice directly without having to use a pointer, unlike structs.
  • Slices with the underlying array get copied, but the array points to the same addresses.

Reference vs Value Types

Use pointers for value types, don't worry about it for reference types.

Value typesReference types


Maps are similar to structs, but have some differences. These are basically key:value pairs.

These are comparable to hash in Ruby, object in JavaScript or Dict in Python.

For a map, the keys all need to be the same type, and the values all need to be the same type.

package main import ( "fmt ) func main() { // map: declare new map // [string]: keys are type string // string: values are type string colors := map[string]string { "red": "#ff0000", "green": "#4b9000" } fmt.Println(colors) }

Creating a zero value map can be done basically in two ways:

var colors map[string]string colorsEq = make(map[string]string) // adding in values colorsEq["white"] = "#ffffff"

We MUST use square braces to access map values, NOT dot notation.

Iterating Over Maps

colors := map[string]string { "red": "#ff0000", "green": "#4b9000" } func printMap(c map[string]string) { for color, hex := range c { fmt.Println("Hex code for", color, "is", hex) } }

Maps Vs Structs

All keys must be same typeValues can be different types
Use to represent a collection of related propertiesNeed to know all the different fields at compile time
All values must be the same typeKeys don't support indexing
Don't need to know all keys at compile timeUse to represent a thing with a lot of properties
Keys are indexed - can iterate over themValue type!
Reference type !


The following example shows similar types but returning different values.

package main type englishBot struct {} type spanishBot struct {} // type bot interface { getGreeting() string } func main() { eb := englishBot() sb := spanishBot() printGreeting(eb) printGreeting(sb) } func (eb englishBot) getGreeting() string { // assume very custom logic to prove diff to spanishBot return "Hi There!" } func (sb spanishBot) getGreeting() string { // assume very custom logic to prove diff to spanishBot return "Hola!" } // any type that implements getGreeting is now an "honorary" member of type bot func printGreet(b bot) { fmt.Println(b.getGreeting()) }

More complex interfaces in Go might have signatures like the following:

type bot interface { getGreeting(string,int) (string, error) }

If you want to set more "qualifiers" to conform to the interface, you can add more methods to the signature:

type bot interface { getGreeting(string,int) (string, error) getBotVersion() float64 respondToUser(user) string }

You can only create values out of the concrete types and not interface types.

  • Interfaces are not generic types (other langs have them, Go famously does not).
  • Interfaces are "implicit", we don't have to say a custom type satisfies some interface.
  • Interfaces are a contract to help us manage types.

HTTP Package

Using http and getting a body response back and helping us understanding how structs work a little better.

Diagram of how to access return body

Diagram of how to access return body

If we use an interface as a property of a struct, we can add any property there as long as it conforms to the interface.

type example interface { Reader } type resp struct { propOne example }

We can also assemble multiple interfaces together to create another interface where all requirements need to be satisfied:

type reader interface {} type closer interface {} type readCloser interface { reader closer }

For an application of this in action with the http.Get func:

package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "os" "io" ) func main() { resp, err := http.Get("") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error:", err) os.Exit(1) } // Note: Reader interface manipulates byte slice -- it doesn't return it. Go also has easier help functions to simply reading responses. bs := make([]byte, 99999) resp.Body.Read(bs) fmt.Println(string(bs)) }

In order to prevent ourselves from having to manually create a byte slice each time, we can use the io.Copy function instead. The method signature for this requires a destination that implements the Writer interface and a source that implements the Reader interface.

package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "os" "io" ) func main() { resp, err := http.Get("") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error:", err) os.Exit(1) } // Updated code to simplify the process and print the resp.Body to Stdout io.Copy(os.Stdout, resp.Body) }

With everything that we have learned so far about how io.Copy works, let's create something that implements the Writer interface:

package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "os" "io" ) type logWriter struct {} func main() { resp, err := http.Get("") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error:", err) os.Exit(1) } lw := logWriter{} // Updated code to simplify the process and print the resp.Body to Stdout io.Copy(lw, resp.Body) } func (logWriter) Write(bs []byte) (int, error) { fmt.Println(string(bs)) fmt.Println("Just wrote this many bytes", len(bs)) return len(bs), nil }

Channels and Go Routines

Both channels and go routines are used for cocurrency programming.

The project for this particular example will use a status checker.

Project layout

Project layout

package main import ( "io/http" ) func main() { ws := []string{"", "", ""} for _, link := range ws { checkLink(link) } } // this implementation will be synchronous func checkLink(link string) { _, err := http.Get(link) if err != nil { fmt.Println(link, "might be down!") return } fmt.Println(link, "is up!") }

If we think of the main function as the main go routine, we can start to imagine the above working sequentially as a result. In order to create new go routines, we can use the keyword go.

package main import ( "io/http" ) func main() { ws := []string{ "", "", "" } for _, link := range ws { // creates new Go routine go checkLink(link) } } // this implementation will be synchronous func checkLink(link string) { _, err := http.Get(link) if err != nil { fmt.Println(link, "might be down!") return } fmt.Println(link, "is up!") }

Go Scheduler Behind The Scenes

Go scheduler

Go scheduler

Not that with one CPU, the Go scheduler runs one routine until finished or hits a blocking call. If a blocking call is hit, the scheduler pausing execution on a routine and starts the next one.

If we insteads have multiple cores, the scheduler runs one thread on each "logical" core. This then truly runs multiple routines at the same time.

By default, Go tries to use one core.

In Go, you will constantly see concurrency is not parallelism. Concurrency is the case of multiple threads executing code.

If one thread blocks, another one is picked up and worked out. Parallelism is the use of multiple physical CPU cores at the same time.

Returning from Go routines

In order to get back to the main routine from child routines, we need to update the code to handle channels for communication.

Each channel communicates with a particular type - something incredibly important.

Sending Data with Channels

channel <- 5Send value 5 into this channel
myNumber <- channelWait for value to be sent into the channel. When we get one, assign the value to 'myNumber'
fmt.Println(<- channel)Wait for value to be sent into channel. When we get one, log it out immediately

One of the challenging concepts with channels is that each message coming back from a channel is also blocking code. This means that for every iteration that uses a channel, it is important to have the appropriate amount of receivers ready on the main routine.

package main import ( "io/http" ) func main() { ws := []string{ "", "", "" } // creating a channel c := make(chan string) for _, link := range ws { // creates new Go routine - pass in a channel link go checkLink(link, c) } // note that to receive, we need to handle all changes // this is creating an infinite loop for all go routines receiving a value for { go checkLink(<-c, c) } } // this implementation will be synchronous // you must now declare the channel and channel type func checkLink(link string, c chan string) { _, err := http.Get(link) if err != nil { fmt.Println(link, "might be down!") c <- link return } fmt.Println(link, "is up!") c <- link }

Alternative loop syntax

So we don't want to continually ping a request, we can update the control loop with the following:

package main import ( "io/http" ) func main() { ws := []string{ "", "", "" } // creating a channel c := make(chan string) for _, link := range ws { // creates new Go routine - pass in a channel link go checkLink(link, c) } // note that to receive, we need to handle all changes // this is creating an infinite loop for all go routines receiving a value // this range loop is equivalent to the above for loop for l := range c { go checkLink(l, c) } } // this implementation will be synchronous // you must now declare the channel and channel type func checkLink(link string, c chan string) { _, err := http.Get(link) if err != nil { fmt.Println(link, "might be down!") c <- link return } fmt.Println(link, "is up!") c <- link }

Sleeping a routine

We sleep a routine in order to generate a pause.

package main import ( "io/http" "time" ) func main() { ws := []string{ "", "", "" } // creating a channel c := make(chan string) for _, link := range ws { // creates new Go routine - pass in a channel link go checkLink(link, c) } // note that to receive, we need to handle all changes // this is creating an infinite loop for all go routines receiving a value // this range loop is equivalent to the above for loop for l := range c { // invoke function literal // ensure to pass the argument to have a copy in memory go func(link string) { time.Sleep(5*time.Second) checkLink(link, c) }(l) } } // this implementation will be synchronous // you must now declare the channel and channel type func checkLink(link string, c chan string) { _, err := http.Get(link) if err != nil { fmt.Println(link, "might be down!") c <- link return } fmt.Println(link, "is up!") c <- link }