
EKS Fargate

What is it and why do we need it?

When running a cluster, each of our nodes can be EC2 instances. Because of that, we still have some overhead:

  1. AMI Rehydration
  2. Patching, Scalaing, Securing
  3. Focus on cost optimization

EC2 for most of the time is under-utilized.

What is Fargate

As opposed to having nodes, you ONLY deploy pods! There are no overhead of managing EC2s.

  1. No worker nodes to manage (still require control plane)
  2. Define and deploy your pods on Fargate
  3. Possible to mix Fargate and regular EC2 based EKS cluster
  4. Horizontal Pod autoscaler possible
  5. Pay Control Plane Cost + (pay per pod based on vCPU, memory, time)

$ eksctl create cluster --name fargate-demo --fargate

Once deployed, you'll notice that there are no worker nodes deployed.

If you look at the compute tab for EKS, you'll see that there is a Fargate profile with namespace default and kube-system.

Anything deployed within these namespaces will be deployed as pods without worker nodes. Otherwise, they will run on EC2.

In the example, a standard Nginx app was deployed. Not quite the following, but basically this template:

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment # Manages pods with label `app: nginx` and manages replicaset defined within labels: app: nginx # Creates a replicaset of 3 spec: replicas: 3 selector: # This replicaset will manage pods with label `app: nginx` matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: # Where the label is denoted for the app container labels: app: nginx # Creates a pod with app container nginx:1.14.2 spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.14.2

After releasing the deployment (which will apply to the default namespace), we can see kubectl get all and you see:

  1. 3 pods running
  2. The deployment
  3. The replicaset

Note: Fargate is part of the serverless system.

Fargate vs regular EKS

EKS WorkerEKS Fargate
Control plane runs on EKSControl plane runs on EKS
Worker nodes on EC2, user managedNo worker nodes, less management
Pods an be exposed using Services (LB) + ingressClassing and NLBs not supports. Exposed using ingress**
Daemonsets supported + heavily usedDaemonsets not supported. Must run as sidebar.***
Able to run stateful apps (EFS)Stateful apps not recommended
Wide rangs of workload based on EC2 selectedCan't selected workload specific hardware, no GPU*
Can work in public + private subnetOnly works in private subnet
HostPort or HostNetwork supported for PodsNeither supported for pods
CNI Custom Networking possibleCNI Customer Networking not possible
Cost = Control Plane + Worker EC2 CostCost = Control Plane + Cost to run Pods

*: Max Pod size is 4 vCPU and 30Gb memory per pod. **: Pods cannot be exposed with services - only ingress. ***: For every pod, you need to specify another container.

The example cost comparison used:

EKS WorkerEKS Fargate
EKS Cluster + 2 md.large EC2Control Plane + 20 pods @ 1vCPU, 2GB each for 10 min every day for the month

For Fargate, costs are separated into vCPU per hour and GB memory per hour.

Note: you need to terminate pod to remove cost on Fargate for that pod.

Another example: Control Plane + 2 pods @ 1vCPU, 2GB for the entire month = $73 + $58.2 = $131.2.

Note: Fargate is NOT always cheaper.

Fargate demo

$ eksctl create cluster --name fargate-demo --fargate # stands up cluster $ eksctl create fargateprofile --cluster fargate-demo --name frontend-profile --namespace frontend-app # if you want FE app on Fargate

The apps were deployed within frontend namespace.

$ kubectl create ns frontendapp # Creates frontendapp namespace $ kubectl appy -f file/to/deployment.yml -n frontendapp # applies to namespace $ kubectl get all # display pods

At the time of the course, you cannot create a LoadBalancer service as of yet for EKS Fargate. It might be worth keeping an eye on the AWS docs.

Lambda vs Fargate

What is serverlessWhat is EKS Fargate
No servers to provision/manageDefine and deploy pods without worker pods
Automatically scales with usageWorks with EKS and ECS
Never pay for idle-
Highly available-
LambdaEKS Fargate
Inherent integration with other AWS Services as event sourceNo inherent event integration, need to come via ingress
Lambda can be exposed using multiple options - API, ALBClassic + NLBs not supported. Pods can be exposed using Ingress.
Mature integration for logging, tracing, monitoringDaemonset not supported. Must run as sidecar. Work needed for logs, tracing etc.
Able to run stateful apps (using EFS)Stateful apps not recommended
Max mem 3GB. CPU, Network allocated proportionallyMax Pod size 4 vCPU and 30 GB mem per pod
Can work in public + private subnetPrivate subnets only
Max runtime 15 minNo max runtime

For pricing, Lambda can be significantly cheaper still than EKS based on Fargate. You need to estimate correctly to get the best cost analysis.



